On the beach Vicki is saying to Tamara that she trusted her boyfriend, just like she is sure Tamara trusted Eddie and like Shannon trusted her husband.....
And Tamara cuts her off saying not to bring other people into it.
I am wondering if there is something we don't know about with Tamara and Eddy.
Yeah, he was adopted by a single man I think. There is something about Eddie that always pinged to me, but if anything I'd believe he could be bisexual. I don't think his marriage to Tamra is a beard.
Jimmy certainly does not have any kind of gay vibe. There is nothing about the way he lives, dresses, talks or acts that makes him "seem" gay. Actually, I know a few gay men who you would never guess were gay. I also know a couple of men you might guess were gay who aren't. There is no "gay vibe" with which you can judge a person. In fact, one should not be creating rumors about others, especially those you don't even know.
I recognize here, a couple of folks who are regularly unkind to others. I don't know why anyone would want to be so ugly and write hateful things about strangers. It's really pretty immature.
************************************* Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie
Why is it when someone with upright morals writes to defend someone, the morons coume out of the woodwork, accusing them of being the person on the show?
Grow up. There are people who honestly believe not everyone is posting about themselves. I have been on IMDB much longer than Meghan has been on TV and if you had a brain in your head you would have checked that before you made an a$$ of yourself in a public forum. ************************************* Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie
Tamra told Vicki not to bring other people into the discussion because they were talking about Brooks. Vicki has a way of bringing in the names of others and inferring they are guilty as well, just by the fact she drags their names into the discussion. She was deflecting and Tamra shut her down.
************************************* Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie
I wasnt saying that being adopted made him gay. I was just pointing out or mentioning something that has been "rumored" and by this bit of information I think it's weird. The man who "adopted" him was a single guy. Who pretty much raised him or took him in and since he had no family (and the possible fact that LGBT marriage didnt exist or was legal, he adopted Eddy) he wanted to include him in his will or life insurance and he had a Law Practice or some kind of business that he was teaching Eddy the ropes or was going to leave him.
idk something like that. Being adopted doesnt make him gay. But some of the things he says and does could make him gay. And if he [is] gay then I stand by my Beard remark lol
by BrandiStarBright » 3 days ago (Thu Sep 29 2016 23:28:04) Flag ▼ | Reply | IMDb member since January 2006 I wasnt saying that being adopted made him gay. I was just pointing out or mentioning something that has been "rumored" and by this bit of information I think it's weird. The man who "adopted" him was a single guy. Who pretty much raised him or took him in and since he had no family (and the possible fact that LGBT marriage didnt exist or was legal, he adopted Eddy) he wanted to include him in his will or life insurance and he had a Law Practice or some kind of business that he was teaching Eddy the ropes or was going to leave him.
idk something like that. Being adopted doesnt make him gay. But some of the things he says and does could make him gay. And if he [is] gay then I stand by my Beard remark lol
Writing "lol" doesn't make what you write amusing or true, it's just mean and unfounded. You want to write he is gay or has gay "tendencies" because you like gossip, rumor and making salacious remarks. I wonder what gay folks think when they read these boards, probably "so what?".
So by repeating a rumor, you are helping this guy? No, you are perpetuating ugly gossip and nothing more. Eddie's adoptive father didn't have to adopt him to leave every last cent to him. He had only to will it all to him.
Why does anyone want to accuse anyone else of being gay in this day and age? Gay men and women are free to come "out" without all the difficulties of years past. I have never seen either Jimmy or Eddie exhibit anything "gay" and I'd have to ask a lot of gay men to tell me what those guys did to make them "seem" gay.
To me, "beard" remarks are sickening. They have been adapted by folks like certain other expressions that come into and go out of vogue, "in my wheelhouse", "I so don't this or that". People pick up on these comments and rumors, add those expressions and think they have created logical thought.
Here's an expression for you, "Do unto others."
************************************* Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie
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Apparently there have been rumors about Jimmy Edmonds being gay for years. Professional athletics is not always the most accepting when it comes to coming out of the closet. On some sports talk websites there are references to Jim being seen kissing another man, and also being seen in several gay bars. I have no idea if said rumors are true or not, but Jim seems like an odd guy, no matter what his sexual preferences are.
Why does anyone want to accuse anyone else of being gay in this day and age?
Because they think it's an insult to call someone gay or a hag - only with a "f" - or *aggot.
Other than that, I agree with you. If Eddie is gay, which I honestly don't think he is, allow him to come out when he's ready not when others think it's appropriate to out them.
That is something that always bothered me about Kathy Griffin, she made it a point to out Clay Aiken when he wasn't ready to come out. Ugh, I hate it when other people force or out others when it's not their place or their business. Newsflash, it's not your place. Back the *beep* off!
To me, "beard" remarks are sickening.
I've used that to describe Anthony Weiner - the guy who was married to Huma - Clinton's assistant. I realize now that it's not nice to repeat rumors and/or gossip. Oops.
Because they think it's an insult to call someone gay or a hag - only with a "f" - or *aggot.
Exactly. I have noticed on the RH boards that I follow that someone is always accusing at least one of the husbands of being gay. It's so stupid.
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Why are they blaming Vicki for "spreading this rumor"? That rumor was out before they got married! AND during their off season, after Tamras divorce to Simon / before Eddie was shown on show, it was in a magazine with the pictures of them in the bath tub.
Eddy isn't gay. He wouldn't be married to Tamra if he were gay. I mean this is 2016! Men dont have to have fake marriages to hide their sexuality! But only time will tell how any of these women's relationships turn out.