I nearly walked out

“Slight Spoilers”. I can’t believe I almost walked out of a Robert DeNiro movie. This movie is one of the worst I’ve seen in such a long time. I’m also a person who hated JUNO and who actually walked out of that movie. I thought this movie was simply boring. Why anyone would want to see a movie about a Porsche SUV backing out of a driveway and driving across LA while another guy refuses to shave his beard is beyond me.
I’m not going to go into too much detail right now but I’ll address this thread in a couple of days if people agree or disagree.
Basically the only reason I didn’t leave the movie was out of the years of enjoyment Robert DeNiro, Sean Penn and Bruce Willis have given me.
This movie is rubbish beyond belief. It shouldn’t really be called a movie as it doesn’t have a start, middle, an ending, a story or even any brains.
I rated this movie 1 out of ten to counteract the dumb people who vote this movie 10 out of 10. I also would like to say I would probably rate this movie 2 out of 10 if I was being honest.
Oh, and to the guy who thinks that Bruce Willis should get a Oscar nod for this best supporting actor; I say you’re an idiot. He won’t even make the short list!!!!

Later Losers.


Check out my website www.alarmfree.ie



Well done, you spotted a rubbish movie about rubbish movies. This is like a mirror image of itself. like when you look at a reflection of yourself and see "Big Gay Al". Jesus Christtttttttttt.



If you are going to use a South Park reference to bad mouth a decent film, as least get it right... Mr. Slave is the one who says Jesus Christtttttttttt


Jesus Chrissttttt.... Stop It......... U *beep* R-Tard.

Yes I know... I never stated in my post that it was Big Gay Al that was saying Jesus Christ.


Suck my balls



Well I just watched this film at work, and the fact that I was doing so there is the only reason that made me finish it... I just had nothing better to do.

All thru the film I was thinking 'Why should I care about this guy and his dealings'. I understand this movie is a satire, but it was too unbelievable to make any sort of connection with the viewer. I felt I was watching a bunch of douches.

This movie fell flat on it's face, trying to be a comedy but only receiving a few laughs and even then I don't remember why. I just remember laughing 3-4 times and not that hard too.

Now to the plot... there is none. It's just a random collection of events, hardly connected to each other. If the arc is the editing of the final scene, then there isn't enough meat on the bone to make it worthwhile.

In the end, I really felt like What Just Happened.

Call me silly or stupid, but if you want to actually laugh at a satire of Hollywood's movie process, I recommend the failed/cancelled TV show 'Action'.
That show had balls and what hilarious.



Is it a comedy, a drama, a documentary, an insight into Hollywood or a *beep* waste of time.

You know what I think anyway.

Answer me this!!! Will you going to go to the next Robert DeNiro movie or the next Bruce Willis movie? Because I won't be. They robbed €9 out of my pocket here and I'm not going to let them do it again.

PS, you didn't burst my bubble.


Hmm… Death by mini bar, how glamorous.



Shut you *beep* hole you *beep* retard.

Hmm… Death by mini bar, how glamorous.




The only reason I can think of that this movie experiences such a negative backlash in here is that with the quality cast people's hopes are raised and then when the films is less than sublime, it is pooh-poohed as substandard.

This film is far from substandard, reasons to like it include but are not limited to:
the set design (check out those bedrooms!)
the stark minimalism of Fiercely
the soundtrack
the style of De Niro
the cinematography -- scenes in both Los Angeles and Cannes look extremely glamorous and atmospheric
Catherine Keener's performance -- such understated, powerful menace

And, please, everyone complaining about De Niro's recent performances, his work, now, is just as important now as it was in Deer Hunter. It is only time that makes it seem otherwise.


yeah this movie was bad.


OK! Thanks for the response.



I agree with everyone that this was really the worst movie ever made in 2008. I mean come on!!? what was the movie about? some guys beard? or someone having relationship problems? or some sad thrill about how famous guys get offered sex from total strangers? it really felt humiliating just to watch it and absorb what was happening.
