I nearly walked out

“Slight Spoilers”. I can’t believe I almost walked out of a Robert DeNiro movie. This movie is one of the worst I’ve seen in such a long time. I’m also a person who hated JUNO and who actually walked out of that movie. I thought this movie was simply boring. Why anyone would want to see a movie about a Porsche SUV backing out of a driveway and driving across LA while another guy refuses to shave his beard is beyond me.
I’m not going to go into too much detail right now but I’ll address this thread in a couple of days if people agree or disagree.
Basically the only reason I didn’t leave the movie was out of the years of enjoyment Robert DeNiro, Sean Penn and Bruce Willis have given me.
This movie is rubbish beyond belief. It shouldn’t really be called a movie as it doesn’t have a start, middle, an ending, a story or even any brains.
I rated this movie 1 out of ten to counteract the dumb people who vote this movie 10 out of 10. I also would like to say I would probably rate this movie 2 out of 10 if I was being honest.
Oh, and to the guy who thinks that Bruce Willis should get a Oscar nod for this best supporting actor; I say you’re an idiot. He won’t even make the short list!!!!

Later Losers.


Check out my website www.alarmfree.ie


no body cares about what you think
this movie was so good
and by the way how old are you Loser?


I care what he thinks, why shouldn't he be able to say what he thought of the film?


This movie is terrible. Don't get me wrong, the cast is excellent but the script !! Jesus Christ ! Is it really possible that I feel the urge to walk out on a Robert De Niro movie ? Bad times...

Don't waste your time on this one...


I Agree A Waste of an excellent cast.
I decided to have a nap.
I found it one long boring waste of my time.

Love film love cinema keep the suits at bay.


I completely agree with justinconboy. This movie was about as entertaining as watching paint dry. Less in fact, at least paint tends to be colourful. I went into this movie expecting to have a few laughs watching Hollywood make good natured fun of itself. I came out wanting to commit suicide.
I've seen a lot of bad movies in my time, but I pride myself on never having walked out part way through. This is the only one where I actually regret having stayed for the whole thing. The ONLY one. And that includes the Avengers, Wild Wild West, and Max Payne.
The only thing that angers me more than the fact that they got my money, is the knowledge that somewhere in Hollywood there's a group of writers and producers sitting around smuggly patting themselves on that back at how clever they were to make a movie about how interesting and goddamned "hilarious" it is to be a Hollywood writer or producer.
Not so much a film as an excercise in pompous, pretentious, self-centered drivel. Much like Juno.


I agree, this movie was a waste of time and money. Feel completely frustrated about it!


Film was only just entertaining, not worthy of any praise beyond that. I was dissapointed that such good actors were a bit wasted in this, I didnt laugh once.

wassuoof: - Anyone can express any opinion they want, different people like different films. You will learn this when puberty is over for you and you grow up a bit.

"Boards don't hit back" - Bruce Lee


I'd have to agree too, it was really quite boring. Everyone in the screening seemed to share the same opinion so I've no idea why it's rated so highly on here.


I have to agree I nearly did walk out but was hoping for a good ending - didnt get one.


I was kinda hoping the movie would be funny but turns out to be pretty dull boring. Oh well, at least I've managed to jump to another screen to watch Body of Lies so its not entirely a waste of money for me.


I found myself wanting to get up and walk out at the halfway mark , the only thing that kept me sitting there was de-niro . i thought he cant have agreed to do a rubbish film. But was i wrong and at the end of the movie i found myself saying " what just happened " . if you want to see a good film this month see anything except this film. i think deniro and willis both owed someone a favour on this.


I kept thinking something was going to happen and it didn't. The only reason I stayed was because of the cast, and that's the reason I went as well. I didn't actually know anything about the film when I went to see it, I solely went on the merit of the cast alone and left feeling disapointed.


Although I don't agree with your opinion, I respect your right to have it. However, you lost all rights as soon as you said 'Later Losers' and you have just proved your are simply a moron. Why did you go see this film in the 1st place? Its obviously too intelligent for you.

Your the kinda person that says nothing happened in Lost in Translation, you have no heart, soul or depth, you are an empty vessel. And they are generally the loudest, but with nothing to say

- - - - -

Every man, has to go through hell to reach his paradise - Robert De Niro (Cape Fear)


StevieLocke says - "Its obviously too intelligent for you"

Anyone who actually writes that on a movie forum is a retard.

"Boards don't hit back" - Bruce Lee


Anyone who actually writes that on a movie forum is a retard. AGREE!!


'Later Losers' is a non offensive term of endearment shown toward fellow peers.
You on the other hand are a *beep* dick face *beep* *beep* Shut your *beep* hole you *beep* retard. Now, Later Loser.

Check out my website www.alarmfree.ie


agree, scoring this 7.7/10 is a sick joke...


Agree that it was a bit of a nothing movie. No plot, no ending. I found a few things slightly interesting about the film business in general, but nothing that a documentary wouldn't have sorted. My girlfriend was totally bored, and she'll normally watch anything.

Disappointing for a De Niro movie. Perhaps the whole thing was a self parody, since he produced it too - a producer makes a bad movie about a producer making a bad movie.


Agree with most of what has been said. No plot, no substance, just a few hollywood stars going through the motions.


What the hell difference could it possibly make how "old" the OP is?

Also: How about we all just agree that making comprehensive pronouncements about the worth of a person's entire life, etc., just from a few brief comments about a film on an IMDB forum is...well...not supportable, you might say.

I would agree that sometimes people seem to show their true (very nasty, very hostile, very no-life) colors in more extended discussions at times. But just because you post a few comments about a single film?

I haven't seen this one yet. Plan to soon. But since I liked Lost in Translation, does that mean I have to like this one, or I'll only be half-intelligent? A half-wit, maybe?

I used to do film reviews for publication, have worked some around the fringes of the industry, have taught at three universities, probably had higher scores on IQ, LSAT, and GRE exams and a higher GPA than the high-ninety-percentile of IMDB readers (I'm just saying, on the so-called "intelligence" scale), won awards for both poetry and fiction (there's the "artistic" end), brush my teeth twice a day and always signal when I'm turning. And yet, I guarantee you if I didn't like this film (or some other film that somebody considers "too intelligent" for me and other such riffraff), I'd get flamed as being "not smart enough to appreciate it" the first time I put out a negative minireview, no matter how justified it was or how relatively less qualified or less "intelligent" the flamer was.

Really, why do people get their kicks this way? When I get around to seeing the film, it may hit me differently than it did the OP, but why would that make him an idiot and me a film genius? Maybe he's got a better take on it than I have. I've been wrong about films before, both negatively and positively. Doesn't make anybody else stupid, or even me stupid. Just means I've missed things that other people saw, for whatever reason.

Now watch me get flamed for _this_ post. Anybody want to set odds?



I would never walk out of a movie, and would especially not vote on a movie I didn't even see in its entirety, and then definitely would not vote a movie a 1 if I didn't think it actually deserved a 1.

All of that aside, I didn't think the movie was very good. It had an amazing cast and the potential to be great, but it ended up just being about nothing. Yes, we know, Hollywood is cutthroat and if you're not making someone money then you are expendable. That topic isn't really entertaining as a movie, though.
