MovieChat Forums > Stardust (2007) Discussion > Surprisingly great movie

Surprisingly great movie

I was really surprised by how much I liked this movie. Claire Danes was wonderful, and Robert Deniro was hilarious. I also really liked Muchelle Pfieffer a lot. The plot is predictable, but this well worth watching. Surprisingly delightful!


I feel the very same way .. I started watching it after it had started because I could not find my remote .. It didn't take long for me to be drawn into it .. One of the best movies that I have seen and I have never heard of it before today .

"A man that wouldn't cheat for a poke don't want one bad enough".


It really is good and fun movie. I’ve finally watched it tonight, after more than a decade of planning to watch it.


No one whom I would want for a friend would regret watching this movie. Flaws? Of course! Uncredited Grand Cameo by Peter O’Toole? Rousing good story? Magic candles?! DiNiro in drag and Mark Strong’s Righteous outrage?! Yes! Yes to all of it. This is, in my opinion, in the pantheon of R_Kane’s Favorite Fantasy (his favorite genre by far) Films, up there with The Golden Compass, far above all The Hobbit movies, and not quite up to the totality of The Lord of the Rings and Conan the Barbarian (you KNOW which one). Far above Burton’s Alice In Wonderland, and even beyond Coraline. That good.


I love fairy tale films done well and this is one of them, a classic Imo. Peter Pan (2002-2003) is another.


It's underrated. (fuck off Moviechat I'm not doing it too often)


its too often, please post at least once a month...



It's very enjoyable to watch.


This is a perfect example of how to adapt a book: the spirit of the book, but not the letter of the law. They didn't slavishly reproduce every bit of the novel, but they stayed true to its tone and ideas, so it works.

It is rightly compared to The Princess Bride - humour, adventure, action, magic, romance...great film!


Honestly, I don't get the hate.
It's such a delightful movie, filled with fun fantasy elements, humor, drama, romance - all that good stuff.


I love "Stardust," it's such a fun movie :). It's one of those fractured fairy-tales that works. It's one of those cases where the movie was actually better than the book. The costumes were great too :D.
