what the *beep* is this movie?
shareHahahaa *beep* I didn't actually say *beep* i said *beep*
sharethis board is *beep* *beep* up.
my bianca ryan fansite pwns!
hey there, *beep* *beep* fag fag *beep* *beep* fag fag...well that doesnt get *beep*
"I'm in a glass case of emotion"
-Ron Burgundy
fu ck thats what this movies about the word f u c k, and the other variances of it, like fu cker fu cking etc....
I just really wanted to do that
Isn't it ironic that because of Imdb's censorship policy we can't even say the title of this movie? The title is listed uncensored but for us lowly regular users to say it is WRONG. *BEEP* Imdb.
-=If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be=-
Now THAT'S what I call comedic timing! I couldn't believe I was wasting my time actually READING this inane *beep*ing thread, but then your post came up...and I'm going to use the U word here: uncensored!! I actually LOL-ed!
Both ironic AND timely - 2 bonus points to you.
Seems like no *beep* has said *beep* here for a while now. *beep* lazy *beep*
-=If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be=-
Phuck it. I know IMDB is an American site, but this kind of cencorship is totally like phucking us all IMDB users in our nostrils. pF hU C kKk you, admins, phor that. Phuck, phuck, phuckety phuck. I love phucking in the morning, I love phucking in the evening, phuck, phuck, phuck, all day long...
I think, if this discussion board was actually about people, really, trying to achieve some sort of true interactivity and discussion about movies, there wouldn't be any problem with people chatting about the movies by their actual titles. Since this is not the case, I assume IMDB is just another mind concentration camp. Thank you very much... Go phuck yourselves.
I am just another phuck with nothing really important to say, so just phuck me. I feel totally phucked already, so have a nice day and remember to phuck as soon as possible again. It's healthy, I've been told.
*beep* is censored but rape isnt! gotta love that logic
HOw about this:
F____________U______________C__________K! <- this is the movies name :)
share*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*
or better say fffffff_uuuuuuuuuuuuuu_ccccccccccccccc_kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
fu(|< the fu(king fu(|< movie! I wanna fu(|< :)
shareI think IMDB should fix this type-thing. Cause we cant quote this *beep* movie! *beep* ... see what the *beep* just happened?
shareThis documentary makes a great point.
If I say the "f-word" or fudge or any other euphemism, people instantaneously think about the word *beep* You´re thinking it, I´m thinking it... so what´s the problem with saying it out loud?
The only thing these morality defending people are doing is empowering the word more. They´re fuelling the very fire they´re trying to extinguish. The word will never stop being used and people will never die from the use of it.
thats so true
*beep* This might be the *beep* best documentary of the year. *beep* the best ever. I hate all those Cumsucking *beep* who *beep* censor. Whats the big *beep* deal! *beep* Its just a word. It means to have sex, which gives life so it should be used as a compliment. I'd love for someone to tell me go *beep* myself I'd love that and I'd say to them "Hey! You go *beep* Yourself! I bet he'll say thank you! Thats the best *beep* thing to *beep* to do. I *beep* love that *beep* There shouldnt be *beep* problems! God people are so *beep* stupid! *beep* this *beep* *beep* all of them ass raping *beep* *beep* *beep* Damn Bukkake Taking *beep* Thats what I *beep* think! But *beep* that *beep* I see this and *beep* want to *beep* them in they're *beep* Because *beep* is the most attrotious thing that could happen to them they *beep* hate it! Neo-con conservative *beep* *beep* *beep* them *beep*.
shareI just had to make a *beep* post just to see if the *beep* word really is *beep* bleeped the *beep* out. Just *beep* curious you know?
~Live in the now, for the past is over and the future can always be changed~
That is *beep* awesome. Now my day is set.
~Live in the now, for the past is over and the future can always be changed~
esta pelicula se llama 'joder'
share*beep* is an interesting movie.
share*beep* is an interesting movie.
shareporn movie. see cast.
share*beep* me sideways.
Truly, this board is *beeping* hilarious!
What the *beep* is going on????????????????????
shareI love this *beep* board
shareTry FÚCK (2005)
Everybody lies, the only variable is about what.
Everybody lies, the only variable is about what.
*beep* this!
bro that means s!it
sharethe movie is about *beep* but imdb wont let us say *beep* so that *beep* sucks. there aloud to say *beep* this is *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* this *beep* im *beep* out. i cant even see this *beep* movie cause im in *beep* canada. *beep*
I just got wondering if any of the following iterations would work:
f uck
sharedamnit so of aa bitch mother *beep* cracker waster and dont even get me started on all yalls *beep* *beep* of *beep* mothers, ya hear me? and i mean it cause all yalls *beep* pals arent gonna cut it with the *beep* miester.
shareThis is the greatest *beep* thread i've ever seen on imdb. It just goes to show that when you get enough *beep* people together, saying *beep* and other *beep* expletives is *beep* fun as *beep*. No *beep* lie, we're all *beep* kids at *beep* heart. *beep* censorship.
you are *bleepin* briliant
and censores can take a hint from Billy Conelly and *BLEEP* off
sharethe movie is called fu ck. anybody who would be turned off by the title wouldn't have their lame asses in this forum in the first place. so fu ck it...there is nobody here to offend! stop deleting stuff!
shareJust curious... does the doc show Carlin's take on "The 7 Words You Can't Say On Television"?
"Ignore these four words" (George Carlin)
*beep* *beep* goddam, son of a bitch, *beep* *beep* & the worse 1: hell yeah.