Agnostics need to get off the fence
Agnosticism in most of the people I have met that identify as agnostic, is being pretty sure there isn't a god but being afraid to say there isn't one in case there is and he punishes them.
That doesn't make any sense if you think about it. Why be afraid of something that doesn't exist? If you feel there is no god, if its what you believe then you should have the conviction to accept your own belief and not hold out in the fear that the boogeyman might get you.
The world starts to make a lot of sense when you place people that believe in gods into the same category as kids that believe in Santa Claus. You know it's false, but have the heart not to take something away that makes people feel better, even if it's not real.
The problems come when not only do they believe it's real, they start trying to change peoples lives around to support the false belief. When they fight wars over the false belief and murder people over the false belief. Then it goes from something innocent like belief in something beyond physical, into delusions in the face of facts. And deluded people can not be argued with, they can't be reasoned with, they believe their delusion and will continue to believe it ignoring all evidence that doesn't support it.
So what do we do? Do we send bible thumpers to a psychologist or smile at them and pat them on the head like a little kid talking about xmas?
One thing that doesn't help are agnostics. Make up your mind already because its worse to possibly believe in something if it benefits you, than to believe in something that isn't real.