MovieChat Forums > Jesus Camp (2006) Discussion > Agnostics need to get off the fence

Agnostics need to get off the fence

Agnosticism in most of the people I have met that identify as agnostic, is being pretty sure there isn't a god but being afraid to say there isn't one in case there is and he punishes them.

That doesn't make any sense if you think about it. Why be afraid of something that doesn't exist? If you feel there is no god, if its what you believe then you should have the conviction to accept your own belief and not hold out in the fear that the boogeyman might get you.

The world starts to make a lot of sense when you place people that believe in gods into the same category as kids that believe in Santa Claus. You know it's false, but have the heart not to take something away that makes people feel better, even if it's not real.

The problems come when not only do they believe it's real, they start trying to change peoples lives around to support the false belief. When they fight wars over the false belief and murder people over the false belief. Then it goes from something innocent like belief in something beyond physical, into delusions in the face of facts. And deluded people can not be argued with, they can't be reasoned with, they believe their delusion and will continue to believe it ignoring all evidence that doesn't support it.

So what do we do? Do we send bible thumpers to a psychologist or smile at them and pat them on the head like a little kid talking about xmas?

One thing that doesn't help are agnostics. Make up your mind already because its worse to possibly believe in something if it benefits you, than to believe in something that isn't real.



Agnosticism [...] is being pretty sure there isn't a god but being afraid to say there isn't one in case there is and he punishes them.

No, because for me, agnosticism means to be logical towards the possibility of there being a divine conscious while not being arrogant enough to claim whether or not God is real.

I don't know if there is a God but I do know that there is no chance of any living thing being "punished" after death. My conscious is going to die along with my brain-cells and therefore, there is no afterlife and thus no God out there who decides how myself and my loved ones should spend an eternity.

It's a shame how atheists and theists alike resort of mean-spirited preaching/propaganda as if it is at all effective. Disgusting.


Agnostics believe there is more to this life than what we see and un like Athiests don't just believe there is nothing more , there is probably a higher being - but we do not believe in any Organised Religion

the key word in case u missed it is - **Organised Religion **
we have no interest in it

whats so hard to understand ?


There is nothing hard to understand about agnostics. In fact it seems you might be finding it hard to grasp the concepts.

I don't think other 'agnostics' would agree with your definition. You say 'there is probably a higher being' which is not the position of an Agnostic but of a theist. Simply not wanting to follow any organized religion doesn't make you agnostic or atheist, it makes you non denominational but still a theist.

There is no s in organized either I'm afraid.

So you're a theist who prefers to be non denominational, fair enough but is this an attempt by yourself to tell the people in this thread about yourself? Or is this some kind of argument against my position that agnostics are hypocrites and the only reason they aren't atheists is because they are too indoctrinated in theological ideas and they still think in theological terms, where as atheists see the world purely from a scientific and skeptical view point? Because if so, you're hardly proving me wrong by sharing that you're a theist that doesn't like organized religion......In fact by labeling yourself an agnostic you're pretty much proving my point that they still are stuck in the religious indoctrination mindset that we atheists discarded when we regained our sanity and realized there are no gods for the same reason there are no tooth fairies or easter bunnies, that it is as acceptable and reasonable to laugh at people who believe in god as people who believed Homer's Odyssey was biographical, or that Lord of the Rings is our real history.

When the truth is too painful the weak will label it a lie.

Hard Truth.


In the UK we spell it organised in the US is organized.

Please do not be condescending saying I find it hard to grasp Agnosticism , the fact is merely that I haven't done in depth research on it like you obviously have , however I do understand the general concept.

I am not on here to argue or over complicate things with catagorizing exactly what "I am"

Its quite simple really , I don't believe in organised religion but do believe there is probably a higher being .

I am agnostic.

I refuse to be bullied or pushed to label myself any further no matter how much you persist and I am certainly not on any fence

I live my life as best as I can , and if there is a God he/she/it will know this and recognise that I am a good person and thats all that matters !

I admire Sheikhs and Buddhists so much as they are devoted to living their lives honouring God through acts rather than prayer , they treat every living thing with love and respect - brilliant.

and thats the end of it ;)


Agnostics admit the possibility that there could be a god.

Theists believe in a higher power.

Atheists do not believe in a higher power.

And finally non denominational theists believe in a higher power but do not subscribe to any religion.

The fact you say there probably is a god makes you a theist, not an agnostic. You can identify as agnostic, call yourself agnostic, get your name legally changed to Agnostic, but what you can't do is change the dictionary definition of what agnostic means, and it means....

Noun: A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God

Where as
Noun 1. One who believes in the existence of a god or gods

I'm not being condescending when I tell you that you don't understand agnosticism, I'm being factual.

When the truth is too painful the weak will label it a lie.

Hard Truth.


Thanks for the lesson , I didn't know the different branches .


I'll continue on my fence thanks. Honestly I think the whole concept of whether something exists or not is irrelevant to day to day life and I'm unwilling to put any effort into making a decision beyond "Don't care"


You should care. It's a hell of a lot easier to send thousands of troops off to die in some forsaken land when you reconcile that with the faery tale they will go to heaven when they die.

People in charge making decisions based on a delusional belief in deities and the supernatural is contrary to the public good.

When the truth is too painful the weak will label it a lie.

Hard Truth.


That's just as a fanatical statement as those who you oppose, different sides of the same crazy coin.

Obviously if something exists of not is irrelevant as I said in my initial post, it couldn't be included in any decision without making someone foolish. Making decisions based on irrelevant information hasn't ever been wise.


It's crazy to keep any foot in the door of religion, one feet or both.

Why is it fanatical and crazy? Because you say it is?

It's a fact that it would be harder for leaders to send people off to a war to die if they didn't believe in heaven. Look at any letter written by the president to a family who has lost a son or daughter in a war and it's thick with that sentiment.

And you think it's crazy that we don't want people making policies and laws based on fictitious 'man in the sky' ideas? I think you're crazy for not seeing the problem with that.

Religious ideas get people killed. They cause men to act without reason and to do horrible things because they believe they will be forgiven and go to heaven. And before you say I'm wrong you might want to ask yourself why death row inmates are given a last meal and access to clergy......

You are firmly stuck thinking of right and wrong, good and bad, in a religious framework and it's not my job to argue with you about it. This is the only reply you'll get.

When the truth is too painful the weak will label it a lie.

Hard Truth.


I am an atheist, (I beleive in the absence of a "God" of any kind, whereas agnostics don't consider themselves attached to any one religion, but may consider themselves "spiritual" people, and may or may not believe in a higher power) and I get where your coming from. I made my decision long ago, it's kind of late to change my mind. But throwing all your thoughts, time, energy and effort into an invisible man in the sky is far more dangerous than maybe believing a fairy tale. Noone drowns their children because there MIGHT be a god, but christians with solid faith have been known to do it. A person who's not sure where they stand on religion doesn't commit suicide and take a bunch of innocent people with them, but very devout religious people definitely have, alot. More people have suffered at the hands of "My God" than anyone else in history. Now how many times did Darwin murder someone? Probably once or twice at the most, tops.


I call myself an agnostic. I also call myself an empiricist and a skeptic. Some of my philosophy professors call me an atheist. What these statements reflect on is how we interpret what we think we know and what we think we believe.

So, do you know there is a God? The answer "yes" warrants that you accept God's existence. The answer "no" warrants that you don't accept His existence. The answer "I don't know" warrants that you are an agnostic, and cannot tell if He does exist.

Now, the next question is do you believe there is a God? Notice that this is an entirely separate question from the first. You can be an agnostic, and say that you don't know there is a God, but still believe there is one. This answer of, "yes I believe there is a God" warrants that you are a theist. If you answer, "no, I do not believe there is a God" then that warrants that you an are atheist.

Now, this is the basic interpretation of how we label ourselves. Hence you can be agnostic in relation to knowing that God exists, and be an atheist in relation to believing God exists.

So, why do I only call myself an agnostic? Once again, I am also an empiricist and a skeptic. Supposing that God is transcendental, that means that we cannot touch, see, feel, or hear God, then that means that I do not have any means to recognize Him. If I did have the means to recognize him, by either touching, seeing, feeling, hearing, then God would cease to be transcendental as he would now be a being that I can empirically sense, and thus, is no longer transcendental.

Now, can you think of something that is transcendental that you can experience? No. Even forces like gravity are not transcendental as they cause perceivable effects on the universe that we can sense. As such, there is no such thing that is transcendental that we can experience. Being an empiricist, it is clear to be that if have no means to experience an object in any manifest way through our senses, then we cannot claim that such an object actually exists.

This is the kicker. If we say that a transcendental object exists, the statement is an oxymoron; a contradiction. Thus, if God is transcendental, which He must be, we cannot ask any questions about Him existing. Thus, the question, "Do you believe that God exists?" is just as meaningful as asking, "Do you believe a round square can roll downhill?" There is no meaning in either question, they are both nonsensical. Thus, I call myself an agnostic as I cannot answer the question as it provides no information for me to respond to. It isn't that I do not know the answer to the question. It is that the question is so inane, vacuous, and stupid that it cannot be answered logically.

So there. I'm not on any "fence." In fact, I'm grounding myself on incredibly solid footing in empiricism, skepticism, and "pure math" or logic... So shut up.


Agnostics and atheists are in fact on the same boat but we do not realize it.

First of all I assume that we(atheists and agnostics) are in fact all atheists in the religious context. We believe that no religion has any provable proof regarding the origins of life and the origins of the Universe. I believe that all religions are in fact old mythologies created be bronze age men trying to explain what they couldn't comprehend or modern con men trying to line their own pockets. So I conclude that we do not believe that religious deities like Zeus, Thor, Allah, or the Jude-Christian God are real.

However we do not know and probably we will never know what set the universe in motion. It could of been a particle, an energy field, a mysterious force unknown to science or a transcendental being. We usually call the primordial cause of the Universe "God". So in this context, we are agnostics about "God".


A lot of agnostics I know will speak like you do and say that they don't believe in any religion or man in the sky but that they are open to the possibility there is more out there we don't know about yet.

The thing is if you really think that through you will realize that you are in fact an athiest. You reject the idea of a man in the sky and of supernatural forces playing a part in our creation and lives.

If you are a skeptic then by definition you reject the paranormal and supernatural on principle. That leaves no room for religion.

As for the idea that there may be forces in the universe so far beyond our understanding that we don't and can't comprehend them, if you are still a skeptic then you would have to admit if there are such forces that they are natural ones and being natural they would not be religious in nature.

It would be like if we had this conversation 1000 years ago you might say that you don't believe in magic but that you believe there are things we do not know about that could be perceived as magical. And then somebody discovers electricity and builds a telephone, radio, record recorder, and suddenly we can fly and beam images and sounds through the cosmos. To somebody of that time period they might seem like magic, but in fact they are scientific ideas that stand up to testing.

So thinking like that, say we did find a higher being, maybe they could read minds, make things happen just by thinking about them, maybe they even can't die. That still wouldn't make them a god, demon, angel, or devil and it would have absolutely nothing to do with our development or our history. Just because there might be higher forms of life doesn't mean they created us, affected us, or came to us with prophecy and caused us to write the bible.

So your belief that there could be something out there, thats a big generalized possibility, to say that there might be something out there, and it might have created the human race and might have spoken to some of us and commanded us to live a certain way and might have made a burning bush and killed the first born of egypt....well that's just paranormal *beep* and that would make you a christian theist.

When the truth is too painful the weak will label it a lie.

Hard Truth.




being pretty sure there isn't a god but being afraid to say there isn't one in case there is and he punishes them.

This specific example isn't really an agnostic, it's someone in the process of losing their faith. Some would believe an agnostic is someone between theism and atheism but agnosticism is the viewpoint that only god can prove the existence of god. A true agnostic is an unbeliever (lack of belief) as opposed to a believer (theist) or disbeliever (atheist, although some atheists claim unbelief).

agnostics. Make up your mind already

A true agnostic is not undecided, they simply accept there is nothing to decide on. Just because one group says there is a god and another say there isn't, doesn't mean I must align one way or the other. This approach to life is very difficult for most people to comprehend but it's the essence of freedom.

|Statistics show that 100% of people bitten by a snake were close to it.|


There is no conflict between being atheist and being agnostic. In fact, most atheists are agnostic, including me.

Atheism is not believing, agnosticism is not knowing.

It is true that we don't know for a fact that there are no gods at all. However, there is no reason to believe there are as there are zero evidence for it. The time to believe something is when you have positive evidence for the claim.

If somebody can present solid, scientific, testable evidence that there really is a god - any god, the Abrahamic god or any other - I will reconsider and possibly change position. Until then I will remain atheist and be very happy with that.

When it comes to the Abrahamic god, sure, I am absolutely positive that doesn't exist as the description of that god - the bible - makes absolutely no sense at all. That of course doesn't prove there aren't any other gods, but as I said, show me the evidence first.


You see and that's where I butt heads with agnostics. They think you can't know that there aren't gods. But I absolutely can.

The idea of gods is a human concept we applied to things we didn't understand. The idea of the supernatural predates human history. We saw things we couldn't explain or understand, storms, death, seasons, stars, disease, And in order to relate to them at our primitive level we invent gods and spirits and devils and angels and it freaks us out too much to think that those things happen randomly so we find it more comforting to think there is some order to it all, and we just aren't smart enough to know it but the gods and spirits do because they are greater than us.


You say you can't know there aren't gods. I say we invented gods, therefore gods aren't real.

Now you either understand that, or you can't wrap your head around it and call yourself an agnostic.

When the truth is too painful the weak will label it a lie.

Hard Truth.


You're a hateful person.


Who is, the alien guy or me or someone else?

For the record I'm not hateful. I show christians more love than they used to show atheists. I definitely show them more patience than they would believe. It's hard to deal with adults who operate under such delusions and not get cranky but I wouldn't go so far as to say hateful.

Frustrated with your brother is closer to the right feeling associated with it. I don't believe in god but I believe we are all brothers and sisters. For all we know we're the only intelligent life we're ever going to meet. I think that we could all do with a little brotherhood since we're all we got.

When the truth is too painful the weak will label it a lie.

Hard Truth.
