MovieChat Forums > Mr. Nobody (2013) Discussion > Movies that drag on a story they have es...

Movies that drag on a story they have established in the 15 minutes

Though this movie is by no means bad, I can't help but feel it's one of those films that drags on for far to long. I could see the story of this movie being told from start to end in 20 minutes as a short film.

I get it. It's a movie about the question of determinism. What kind of lives could I have led. What is time. How do we perceive it. etc. etc.

Other movies that gave me a similar feeling are The Tree of Live and Enter the Void. These movie feel like the result of talented movie directors having to much creative freedom ( I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am ). It's just drags one for to long/

How do you guys feel about this?


I think most films actually suffer from the reverse problem, in that often the standard running time of a film won't allow for proper character/plot development. Which is why I found the fact that this movie did seem to drag on for so long so surprising (and I agree, Enter the Void did this too). I think when a movie is this length, there just needs to be more going on (Cloud Atlas, I think, is a good example of when this length is necessary). As the whole movie, as a concept, was actually a little gimmicky as well, I feel like it could have been reduced to perhaps just under an hour and would have been, artistically, all the better for it.

That wasn't the only problem with this film, however. I think its portrayal of women was lacking in sophistication (which, I guess one comes to expect from a certain type of Sci-Fi) and the way in which they presented the east Asian wife in particular seemed a little clichéd to me. Also the "science" behind it all was, at times, quite irritating to watch (personally, I've always found the Big Crunch theory to be too sentimental to take seriously and they referenced this enough for me to notice...).

It was a very ambitious movie and for the first two hours I really admired its efforts - it's just that after a while, it becomes painfully obvious that the film has no actual point (which it technically can't due to the incoherent nature of the plot) and nothing all that original to say about love/the meaning of life/whatever. It could have been shorter.


I agree, it was far too long. The payoff was seriously not worth the length, I felt like I watched a two-and-a-half hour movie with the substance of a 15 minute short.


Impostor (2001) is the poster child movie of what you are talking about... it actually started out as a short and someone in their 'wisdom' decided to stuff it with filler and send through the pipe.... its not a bad movie, but it was for me exactly how you describe Mr Nobody. Its been a little while since I've seen the film but I don't remember thinking it was too long, or at least not to the degree you did. I will admit my bias toward time paradox movies however.


Lol, Impostor is a masterpiece B-movie.

Limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: directly proportional to its awesomeness.


i felt like this movie was a good length but mostly because it was exciting and i couldn't wait to see what happpened..
but understand movies that do that, blue is the warmest color comes to mind


In my opinion, "Blue..." is not at all like this.
It is long, yes.
Perhaps too long.
But it is on purpose.
We know the director was terrible and cruel, but at the end the movies does show you a different in the characters, in the time that has passed, in the faces of the was chronologically filmed and presents exactly what the director wanted.

(The discussion about the abuse would make this longer)


The First Time i watched it. It was only watching it to find out what happens next. But at the same time i was thinking. "GET ON WITH IT". It Just seems to take forever to get anywhere. And the Payoff was kinda lame.



That doesn't mean anything. Any form or work of art may be much more appreciated somewhere other than it's place of origin. In fact, it occurs very often.

I would like to say Enter the Void is a good candidate, but I can't honestly say I know what the point of that movie is. After half way point, I just skimmed through the rest. I tend to like films like this so that's not necessarily a bad thing, but christ was that far too long. However, the repeated car accident scene wouldn't have had the same effect if it was shorter.

As for this film, I actually wouldn't mind if it were longer so it could flesh out his interesting life with his asian wife. Who the hell was he? Why did people want to kill him? Why was he essentially dead inside 15 years after losing some girl he liked for about a couple weeks(I get it it but it's ridiculous)? Why did he never learn to swim considering that it was on his list of things to do in that timeline, that being the only one incomplete?

All in all, I really enjoyed the film even though I have some serious issues with its interpretation of life and causality as it relates to time. Actually, the fact that it was all in the boy's mind made me feel a lot better since I just wrote off all the inconsistencies at that point. 10/10! Just kidding , I think a 7.8 is where it's at.


I totally agree with you.
Those were my words last night after I finished watching it.
It's not bad. It's just that it seems the director fell in love with his idea and really wanted to present some cool shots, that are cool, that are nice and beautifully shot but that in the end do not add anything substantial to the story.
There was no need for it to drag on.

And you are right: sometimes the smart thing is to have an outsider (or an editor) whose judgement you trust to not be wrapped in your bubble and believe that what you're doing is going to be amazing.

It is good. You should see it, but it could have definitely been better.


I agree with the OP and the person before me.
That was the first thing I said to myself after finishing it.
It dragged itseld waaaay too long. It couldve had potential to be one of my fave movies if it was 90 mins long but it seems like the 2nd half was just dragging the story. I started being very entertained to be quite annoyed. Felt like an hour too long.
This almost reminds me of a crappy 1 hour extra "Directors Cut" included in a suppose-to-be great normal length Theatrical version movie


It is by all means bad. Even synchrinicity is a better scifi than this heap of garbage

my vote history:
