Ant-Man is one of the best superhero movies yet. Who'd have thought?
Whoever's responsible for Ant-Man should clearly take a bow. If it's the entire Marvel team as well as Peyton Reed that congrats to all of them! It's clearly really well thought out. The size-shifting premise is mined for all it's worth in sequences that are both comic and thrilling. The characters are fleshed out and the story is gripping. Add ties to the MCU past and present and Ant-Man was one of the best blockbusters of the year.
And for once, the 3D treatment is actually a part of the story rather than a surface gloss slapped on to bump up the ticket price. All the effect sells the otherworldly nature of the character's transformation. A bathtub becomes a deadly tidal wave, a toy train becomes the setting for a high-octane, high-speed chase, and ants become an army of giants. Even without 3D, these effects are the best I've ever seen.
Very much like Iron Man, as both films center on two creative business types smart enough to develop technology to change the world. As in that film, the origin told here is one of the best in modern cinema.
Again, Ant-Man is one of the best superhero movies yet. Who'd have thought?