Meaning behind the movie

Hi, guys!
I've tried to make a detailed analysis of the movie. It includes an answer to the movie as a whole, it's purpose, and also addresses most of the well known particular questions that it raises. These answers are quite different from what I saw in the articles and videos on the Internet and rather surprising. The connection between the movie industry and what we actually see IN the movie (its characters, scenes, etc.) is direct and meaningful. It wasn't there originally, in the book, but Coen brothers used it to express Cormac McCarthy's ideas. Moss, Chigurh, Bell were depicted in a non-trivial way, and it takes some attention to realize their true nature, which is necessary to arrive to right conclusions on the ideas of the whole movie. There are striking scenes that are crucial for understanding the movie and yet completely ignored by the reviewers. In the movie, some very important visual and audio hints are given to us by the authors. For example, there is literally "a sound of death" in the movie. Some people noticed it, but somehow don't see "what this sound really is". This sound, the drug store, the Chigurh's shotgun silencer, the true profession of Carson Wells, the transponder, the satchel itself and many other things are in a strong connection with each other.
Here is the link to my essay on YouTube. The video is split into three parts. I hope, you would enjoy it.


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