He took her BACK?!

Excuse me?
She fuels the attention of another man (she didn't HAVE to keep talking to him), then does jack sh*t about the restraining order not only against him coming near her, but their child also, AND she lets it extend 30 more days?

And.................he took her back?!

So he's on tv, and THAT warrants a phone call. If she cared, why not call him before, or ANYTIME?

Better yet, why not lift the restraining order (or get the cop to do it)?

I guess she needs a lot of attention.
1: She HAS to keep another man around (disrespectful to Will if you ask me; hand over the phone if you have nothing to hide, because then, Will is in the wrong for mistrust).
2: She does NOTHING about the court orders. She could have fought it.
3: Let's just ignore the fact she's hogging her fugly kid from the father he's probably missing.
4: Doesn't call Will until UH OH, he's on tv and he might die, better call him because NOW I'm sooooooooo worried.

You don't call your spouse (no matter for what reason) when they're in the middle of a life-and-death crisis and YOU KNOW about it. Mess up his concentration with YOUR bullsh*t right now? GREAT IDEA!

'Oh look, everything's ok, he's alive and a hero and we're going to make baby #2 and just forget this whole big fight of ours just never happened. He's a hero now and that means I want him back because now it TOTALLY disregards how I gave him reason not to trust me because I'm too much of a mental teenager to show him who I was texting.
Good thing I was awoken and forced to watch the news, otherwise I would have let the fight continue. The fight I instigated because I gave my husband a reason to distrust me.'

(I'm aware HE could have called HER and didn't. Honestly, after all that, would YOU? Only for the kid, if at all. Personally, I'd never want to see her impossible ass again; just tell her to keep the kid and if she's such hot sh*t without me, go make enough money to be permanently rid of me. Oh you want child support? Sue. Don't have money to sue? Should've handed over that phone that had NOTHING ON IT.)

If there's a sequal, tie Darcy to the tracks, and film every second.
I'll bet money she was *beep* that cop.

Should've just handed over her phone.

What's he going to do when he wants the last slice of pizza and she won't hand THAT over? Restrain him 500 feet from the oven at all times?
*beep* moron.


Actually, the correct question is why would she take him back? She wasn't doing anything. He is jealous and controlling, by his actions of snatching her mobile out of her hand and then going over to a cop-friend's house to accuse him of having feelings for her, with a gun on the dash. Duh, just where did he think that was going to get him? Sex that night? I don't think so.


His point was and it isa valid point. He Asked her who she was texting she refused to answer. It's a simple question. unless you got anything to hide you behave like she did. However he couldn't let it drop. Sure he has trust issues. But after being treated like this do you blame him ?
So he went over to the Cop friends with the express purpose of having a conversation in regards to his wife. It was basically I don't trust you. I don't like you hanging around her. In Short find a new friend.
The Gun was just sitting on the dash. He didn't mention it. He didn't wave it around. The Cop was left to make his own conclusions.
And Really unless he made a overt threat with it. it wouldn't fly in a court of law.
The basic issue there was trust. His and Hers. His was bad enough but she made it worse by Not talking to him. Seriously. If you have trust issues with your wife and she stops communicating with you what would you think ?

I Hate Rude behavior in a man. I Won't tolerate it.-Captain Woodrow F. Call.


I agree. If it wasn't such a big deal, then she should've told him who she was texting. Besides, what if the situation were reversed, and he was he who refused to show his wife the text?

In a real life situation such as this, I believe the female would most likely be having an affair . Maybe she would've been texting her cousin at the time of being questioned, but what if her text history shows something damaging?


It's whores like you that give women a bad name.

Hama cheez ba-Beer behtar meshawad!


He's a hero now and that means I want him back because now it TOTALLY disregards how I gave him reason not to trust me because I'm too much of a mental teenager to show him who I was texting. Good thing I was awoken and forced to watch the news, otherwise I would have let the fight continue. The fight I instigated because I gave my husband a reason to distrust me.

Are you for real? Will instigated the fight because he asked his wife who she was texting. Quite rightly, she refused to tell him because it was none of his business and he invaded her privacy. Turns out she was texting his sister-in-law, but, according to you, the fight was caused by Will's wife giving him a reason to distrust her. Paranoid much?


You should stay 300 feet away from a sane human being. For your own good, and theirs as well. You're a *beep* retard.

Hama cheez ba-Beer behtar meshawad!


but even if it was a private conversation and none of Will's business, his wife still should've just told him the truth and said that the texts were from her sister and it was a private conversion, that would've solved the problem.

Sure Will seemed to have insecurities and controlling, and he made the situation worse by jumping to conclusions and threatening the cop friend, but personally, I think Will's wife instigated the whole incident to begin with. She should've at least just told Will the truth that the texts were from her sister, and if it was a private conversion and none of his business, she should've told him that but also should've told him that they were from his sister, so that he wouldn't misunderstand. Will asked her who those texts were from, it was a simple question.
If I was in the wife's shoes, I would've told him the truth and handed him the phone, if it were a private matter, then I still would've at least told him that the texts were from my sister and it's private.

I just don't understand why his wife would not tell him those texts were from her sister? I mean, she didn't need to tell him or show him the contents of the texts, the reason Will demanded she hand over the phone was because she refused to tell him who those texts were from, so he became suspicious. She should've just told him that they were from her sister, and he probably would've just let it go after that.

I think they're both at fault, I think Will made the situation worse, but it was his wife who instigated it, for being so secretive and not telling him the simple truth that the texts were from her sister, her secretive behavior caused him to misunderstand.


I think they're both at fault, I think Will made the situation worse, but it was his wife who instigated it, for being so secretive and not telling him the simple truth that the texts were from her sister, her secretive behavior caused him to misunderstand.

Exactly, anyone who is or has been married knows that communication or the clarification of miscommunication is an absolute must. Once either party refuses to listen and starts the vindictive snowball to hell rolling .... it usually ends badly. Thank goodness this was a movie.


Just try to stay alive and see what the next minute brings.


This was the first thing that had me thinking at the end. Typical Hollywood action mish mash with the woman suddenly waking up to his heroic side after treating him like *beep* over something she had to clear. It was obvious the kid adored him. It was up to her to just tell him in the open that she had nothing going on with anyone...And if she had really cared, obviously he was asking about a doubted affair because he loved her - She didn't have the decency to help him with the restraining order or speak up and left him to hang dry. He should have given her a dose of her own medicine and done something about the kid.


Lol I'm a man and I think the guy was in the wrong.

I'm really shocked to find people saying he shouldn't have taken her back when it was his insecurity that caused them to split.

He took a gun to a guy who hadn't done anything wrong. Simple.


"She fuels the attention of another man (she didn't HAVE to keep talking to him)"

As he said when he told the story. It turned out she didn't text him, but her cousin.


Wait, you mean there's a film where a woman does what she wants and refuses to talk to him (he did call her) and uses the law to ruin her kids life by taking him away from his father leaving the guy to have to do something impossible like saving 100,000 lives before she decides he's worthy of her and take him back like nothing happened and is not portrayed, despite how we see her, as anything but completely right?
And breath.
That's new. I really hope this doesn't become a trend that's shoehorned into every film, TV show and even into some cartoons for kids.
I don't know what I'd do then.



Their heartfelt reunion reminded me of the character "Chick" in Armageddon. For what was apparently good reason (can't remember the details) his wife/girlfriend wouldn't give him the time of day and when he came to say goodbye to his young son before the big mission-- from which he might not return-- she told their son that he was "just a salesman". Yet when it was splashed on national television that he was one of the heroes who saved the planet from near destruction, she told the boy that the "salesman" on TV was his father, and she somehow weaseled her way onto the space center for a tearful family reunion when the shuttle landed.

"I miss Dwight. Congratulations, Universe. You win."


Yeah I was thinking of Armageddon as well, MYY.

It's not just women who get locked into stereotypes in Hollywood, purveyor of the "A Man's gotta Do What a ('Real') Man's Gotta Do" way of thinking.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


Should've just handed over her phone. Ho.

I agree.

-- "Mulder, toads just fell from the sky!"


I sort of agree with you, I mean sure Will was insecure and all, but I think his wife should've just handed over her phone, or even if it was a private conversation, she should've at least just told Will the truth that it was her sister, that would've solved the issue, and it would have not escalated. Why would she not tell him that it was her sister that was texting her? I don't get that.

I think Will sort of made the situation worse for jumping to conclusions assuming that it was the guy and showed up at his place with a gun. However, I think Will's wife was also in the wrong, if she had just told him the truth from the beginning, then none of that incident would've happened. I think they're both at fault.


Either Will was naturally a suspicious jealous type or Darcy had given him reason to act that way. Either way, he shouldn't have approached the old school "friend" with a gun on the dashboard before trying to have a rational conversation with Darcy about the situation. The gun was a veiled threat and it was stupid and dangerous. But the situation wouldn't have gotten that far if her behavior about the text session wasn't suspicious. And it was suspicious.

Also, it was inappropriate for Darcy to interact as much as she apparently was with a man who wasn't her husband. People like to think they have the right to associate with anyone they want to as often as they'd like no matter what anyone else thinks. The truth is, when you're married and you want a happy marriage, that attitude won't work. Darcy should have told him whom she was texting. If he asked to see the phone, she should explain why she didn't want to do that. If he insisted, she should have shown him the phone - then have the conversation they obviously needed if he trusted her so little.

Regardless of all that, she was completely wrong to let the restraining order stand, refuse to speak to him at all; and not let the man near his own son. That was ridiculous.
