He took her BACK?!

Excuse me?
She fuels the attention of another man (she didn't HAVE to keep talking to him), then does jack sh*t about the restraining order not only against him coming near her, but their child also, AND she lets it extend 30 more days?

And.................he took her back?!

So he's on tv, and THAT warrants a phone call. If she cared, why not call him before, or ANYTIME?

Better yet, why not lift the restraining order (or get the cop to do it)?

I guess she needs a lot of attention.
1: She HAS to keep another man around (disrespectful to Will if you ask me; hand over the phone if you have nothing to hide, because then, Will is in the wrong for mistrust).
2: She does NOTHING about the court orders. She could have fought it.
3: Let's just ignore the fact she's hogging her fugly kid from the father he's probably missing.
4: Doesn't call Will until UH OH, he's on tv and he might die, better call him because NOW I'm sooooooooo worried.

You don't call your spouse (no matter for what reason) when they're in the middle of a life-and-death crisis and YOU KNOW about it. Mess up his concentration with YOUR bullsh*t right now? GREAT IDEA!

'Oh look, everything's ok, he's alive and a hero and we're going to make baby #2 and just forget this whole big fight of ours just never happened. He's a hero now and that means I want him back because now it TOTALLY disregards how I gave him reason not to trust me because I'm too much of a mental teenager to show him who I was texting.
Good thing I was awoken and forced to watch the news, otherwise I would have let the fight continue. The fight I instigated because I gave my husband a reason to distrust me.'

(I'm aware HE could have called HER and didn't. Honestly, after all that, would YOU? Only for the kid, if at all. Personally, I'd never want to see her impossible ass again; just tell her to keep the kid and if she's such hot sh*t without me, go make enough money to be permanently rid of me. Oh you want child support? Sue. Don't have money to sue? Should've handed over that phone that had NOTHING ON IT.)

If there's a sequal, tie Darcy to the tracks, and film every second.
I'll bet money she was *beep* that cop.

Should've just handed over her phone.

What's he going to do when he wants the last slice of pizza and she won't hand THAT over? Restrain him 500 feet from the oven at all times?
*beep* moron.


its a BDAF (big dumb action flick). dont expect realistic behaviour from anyone. she's a plot device, just like denzel's two daughters were. their stories dont matter, theyre just injected to add that little bit more emotion to the story, just like the convenient carriage full of 150 school children.

The Dude Abides


^^^ What he said.


I agree! Darcy is laaaame!!!!!


Yeah it was a plot piece but b!tches like that really exist. I definitely would NOT have taken her back.

"Paragon schnitzophonic."
"You mean a paranoid schizophrenic."
"Sure. Whatever."



But she was essential to the plot of the movie for her riveting dialogue: "Come on, Will", "Come on", "Come on, Will", "Come on, Will". That movie would have been nothing without her encouragement for Will to come on and, in fact, is the only reason he was able to help save the day. I can only imagine how many weeks it must have taken the actress to learn her lines.

In case someone takes this post to heart, please understand that each keystroke in the previous paragraph is dripping with sarcasm!!


he pulled a gun on her friend because she texted a relative. She thought he was nuts. Then when she thought she was going to lose him, she realized how much she really loved him and that the trivial matter they were arguing over was.. well... trivial. Decided to drop it.

your thoughts?


i totally agree pokewiz. what kind of person wants to be with someone who pulls a gun on their friend just because that friend is of the opposite sex? if i marry i guy who tells me i can't be friends with any other guys, i might as well shoot myself. i mean really, i loved chris pine in this role, but come on. "i grabbed her. then i went to her friend and pulled a gun on him." UM. that screams crazy to me. aren't we always rolling our eyes at those women who stay in abusive relationships? (sarcasm) "he wasn't always that bad. first he just grabbed me, and then he started demanding to know where i was going, who i was texting, who i was talking to, every minute of every day. <-- the plot line to a lifetime original movie.

imagine that we actually saw that scene. he comes home from work. she's texting her sister. he demands to know what she's texting. she says no. they argue. (at this point, the camera is shaky and her hair is flying). then he grabs her arm (there's a sound effect of a grab, then we see her struggling to get free as pure terror is on her face) we don't know if he gonna punch her in the face next, and neither does she. then he storms out. (at this point, she stumbles over to a wall, and slides down it, a single tear running down her face) <--dramatization for the lulz. then she finds out he pulled a GUN? duhhhhhh she filed a restraining order. he sounds like a maniac. guns are NOT toys. especially if she has a child to protect.

and he's a damn fool for pulling it on a cop.

the fact that she got back with him though was kind of iffy. maybe if we had seen a bit more of their relationship? because yeah, it made sense for her to hope and pray that he doesn't die as he's doing the train stuff, he is the father of her child and she prolly still loves him, but the epilouge was kind of... really? is it cause he's famous now?


He didn't "pull a gun" on anyone. It was sitting on the dashboard, and yes it was a unmentioned threat. Point is, if she had nothing to hide, she should have given the phone over freely and make him look like an ass instead of causing all of that undue drama and keeping the father and kid from each other.

"Paragon schnitzophonic."
"You mean a paranoid schizophrenic."
"Sure. Whatever."



Or she could have told him that she was texting her sister and that it was a private conversation.


True, but what kind of retard leaves a gun just lying there on his dashboard? A stone-cold candidate for a Darwin Award, that's who.

And yes, if I was in Darcy's shoes I'd have handed him the phone and made him feel so ashamed, good for at least a gourmet meal in a restaurant and some flowers.

And what's with the OP calling the kid "fugly"? He's not, he's a real cutey. He doesn't look like Chris Pine though!


I reckon they got the kid spot on he looks like both pine and the actress that played the mother.

the gun on the dashboard not a smart move but I think it was meant to be a threat.

and agree she should have just told him who she was texting with like what does she have to hide from does him its a simple comon question. Not a jealous one he simply wanted to know who she was talking with I ask the same question to anyon. She made him jealous by not telling him but it doesn't mean that he is in the right either.

as for why he took her back he loves her and his son one mistake one little argument doesn't make a person fall out of love with the other person.


as for why he took her back he loves her and his son one mistake one little argument doesn't make a person fall out of love with the other person.

Exactly right. What, people are suddenly supposed to be perfect? People can't make mistakes? My dearest SO keeps leaving the toilet seat up. So I should ditch him?

On with the motley.


It's what makes us human all our faults and flaws


Good luck finding a real man with that kind of attitude.

Hama cheez ba-Beer behtar meshawad!


finding a real man

You mean a "real man" like you?


Yep Pokewiz47 is right, he acted like a jerk and to a certain extent deserved what he got. It's not really a case of him taking her back, but 50/50 at least. Obviously he has trust issues and is potentially violent. Understandable that she might have an issue with that. Kinda odd that she chose to call him when he's in the middle of this highly risky situation...


FWIW she wasn't talking to the guy/cop/friend when Will went all "ballistic" on her...she was texting her sister...but still a little lame, why would she resist telling him "who it was" ...


Maybe she was fed up with him being jealous? I don't have to tell my husband everyone I text, and why would he even ask unless he had issues?!?

But as we don't really know the full story- for example what exactly does "grabbing her" mean?-
It's hard to comment.

(On the other hand it's Chris pine!!!)


abrina7 wrote: So he's on tv, and THAT warrants a phone call. If she cared, why not call him before, or ANYTIME?

Sometimes, it takes seeing somebody you love come close to death to make you realize that you really do love that person. Will was risking his life to try to save thousands of people. I can understand the reasons she would realize how much she loved him and wanted him home.

Think you can outrun the world? (Barbossa)


"Sometimes, it takes seeing somebody you love come close to death to make you realize that you really do love that person. Will was risking his life to try to save thousands of people. I can understand the reasons she would realize how much she loved him and wanted him home."

I agree with you.

That reminds me of a scene in the film "World Trade Center", in which Nicholas Cage's character's wife was talking with a mother whose son worked in the elevators of the Twin Towers and was reported as 'missing'. The mother mentions that the last conversation she had with her son ended in an arguement, and now she regrets having that arguement and only wishes for his safe return.



Well you have to realize they've probably been together for a long time and have enough history between them that one incident isn't going to make either one of them say, "I deserve better" and just ditch the marriage.


