Humans are now puppets, and signs also point to them being used over and over again in the same story (given that Christina found out the guy who jumped off the building had already died years ago).
So what's going on???
How is it possible for a human to repeatedly kill themselves???
Human bodies/minds are not unlike those of a machine - just organic.
With sufficient technological advancement, it's possible to clone people - program their brains - etc
Even though we now know who Christina is and what she does I'm still confused. Because that one female who killed a human (who the Man in BLACK said can't be replaced) was also killed by the MiB for not having proper enough respect for the "PROPERTY" she destroyed.
So it definitely doesn't sound like humans are being CLONED.
And a CLONE also has a different BRAIN than the original person (the same way as IDENTICAL TWINS also have the same DNA but have completely different brains that don't share the same experiences).
PLUS a CLONE also only lives HALF as long and they also have all kinds of other complications with their organs (like DOLLY the CLONED SHEEP did).
So for that reason it's HIGHLY UNLIKELY they'd want to invest in doing that.
But watch the season end without ever giving us an explanation for how this other guy killed himself several times by leaping off the top of a building.
Umm - I stopped watching after season 1, I'm merely responding to your question hypothetically
BTW - there's absolutely no reason why clones should have half the lifespan of the original - and there's no reason why memories cannot be imprinted in full onto the clone's brain
Again, with sufficient technological advancement, all limitations that you are seeing in the present day can be done away with.
Having said all that - it would indeed be pretty odd to have a world filled with robots and clones - the odds are, only one sort of technology would become prevalent and replace the other - unless the technology has not become advanced enough for human memories to be imprinted onto the robot (which is clearly not the case, given that there are several robots who do have human memories and didn't even know that they were robots).
Anyways, I do hope the series ends in a way that all of your questions will be answered. Like I said, I stopped after the first season (which I thought was great). With Anthony Hopkins gone - the original story ending - and having seen the first few episodes of season 2.... I knew it was all about to turn to shit, so I stopped. I have a suspicion you are looking at the same sort of clusterfuck as the game of thrones - where directors ran out of the original material and had to rely on very brief and incomplete notes from the author - which is why the series ended with the clusterfuck season 8 - lol
It's fascinating..... hollywood on the whole is experiencing major brain drain - and there is seemingly no decent script writers left. I genuinely wonder what happened. I suspect that hollywood is paying a lot of money to the sfx studios, but very little to the script writers, which is why most high quality writers just simply dropped out.
Do a search and you'll see the reason why CLONES have all kinds of problems ... including only HALF the LIFE SPAN of the original being from which they're cloned. Why do you think it's forbidden to CLONE humans??? Their organs also come out all screwed up as well.
As far as we know NO HUMAN has passed the FIDELITY TEST yet, which means they BREAK DOWN like JAMES DELOS did soon after the attempt is made to transfer the human consciousness into the other body.
We also don't know if CALEB won't break down yet.
And what if CALEB is a younger version of FORD like WILLIAM was a younger version of THE MAN in BLACK???
Umm - we also don't have robots like the ones seen in the westworld.
You need to think of the technological advances possible within the next 2 hundred years.
CLONES won't be the answer, because BIOLOGICALLY it MAKES NO SENSE to create them when they end up with so many problems, and it's also VERY EXPENSIVE to do so (because most of them don't make it or survive).
Yeah, that is very interesting. I don't think clones is the answer, however. I mean, it could be, I suppose (anything is possible), but that sounds like a somewhat silly explanation.
Perhaps this world isn't real and, instead, is merely a simulation of sorts. The real version of that man may have died many years ago but his consciousness could have been uploaded into this new place (where he still thinks he's alive). Of course, this as well would mean that no one in this place is real (physically, I mean), which I, personally, don't quite believe. Largely due to the fact that, near the beginning of the season, you hear a group of men talking about how excited they were to visit this place as if it were a Westworld-like park. I'm assuming those men were actually hosts using the humans as their playthings (just as the humans had done with them).
Alternatively, perhaps his consciousness and memories were placed into a host body (similar to what appears to have happened with Caleb). While his original self died years ago, he still thinks he's human even though he's not (a bit similar to the predicament James Delos found himself in). And he's now just a plaything in this Westworld-like version of New York City, where people write "stories" for him to live out.
The problem with the he's a HOST who thinks he's human theory is how JAMES DELOS and CALEB had to be created HUNDREDS of times (Delos 148 or something like that and Caleb 278 times)??? So just like the case is with CLONES, it would be TOO EXPENSIVE and TIME CONSUMING to do that (it took 23 years to make 278 copies of CALEB).
So the SIMULATION theory might apply.
Because we also saw MAEVE in one last season when she encounters HECTOR in the WW2 setting.
So maybe something like that's happening?
Remember how HECTOR's PEARL was also still inside of another place where it was SMASHED and then we saw the body of HECTOR fall down to the ground???
So maybe someone will find the PEARL of HALE and SMASH it the same way???