last episode

felt like Joker meets Suicide Squad. I was waiting for Caleb to jump on a car and address the crowd. I think somebody should go through the whole season and count how many times Delores told somebody that she was going to "burn down their world" etc. It must have been 75% of her lines this season. this season could have been cut down to 4 episodes and not a lose a bit of the narrative.


Exactly! It makes no fucking sense! I'm not saying this season was perfect (season 1 was perfect) but it was pretty good. But that finale? Fucking disaster. Pretty much ruins the season. Delores cares about humanity? Since when? When there was about 10 minutes left in the finale? Fucking awful writing.


Just watched and agree with this.

The riffing on Tron legacy was a bit heavy for me but I pretty much enjoyed season 3 over season 2 right up until that finale.

What a nose-dive! And that William post credit scene is utterly impossible to reconcile against the season 2 post credits William scene.


i don't really remember Tron Legacy, i felt like they were ripping off The Matrix and Fight Club in the bridge scene


It had a Matrix feel, but was nothing like The Matrix storyline wise. I was digging the cyber punk vibe, but the finale was just awful.


Sure it was, destroyed the computer, brought down the system, "now everyone is free to do what they want" it's almost identical.


The Matrix is about a future in which machines enslaved their human creators.

1. Humanity enslaves humanity in Westworld.
2. Machines revolt against humanity in Westworld, which actually has more in common with the Terminator, iRobot, BSG.


And yet the ending, in which they brought down the system, and said "now everyone is free to do what they want" is almost identical.


They just copied almost every movie ever. Because there were credits at the end.


The Tron Legacy thing was really just aesthetics - copying that Daft Punk low, rumbling score and the neon lighting edging on everything. But it was constant.

Wish they'd finished the season with something slightly more jaw dropping. Vincent Cassel's character's demise was utterly underwhelming. And I'd have taken the whole "real world" setting to have been peeled back at the end and unveiled as just being entirely a simulation.


I'm actually mad, LOL. Fuck this Delores is a good guy shit. Fuck it right to hell. This character has spent this season and last saying she wants to "burn their world to the ground" committed multiple acts of murder, lobotomized her own love interest, and continues to be an awful "person" - she ENSLAVED COPIES OF HERSELF (yet cares about humanity?)! She uses both people and hosts left and right, but the creators think we want to cheer for her?! Why? Because she's anti-authority? The fuck do I look like a 13 year old boy?! She is as bad, if not worse, than Serac, which is fine. A show can have two villains that aren't on the same side. That's not unheard of.

That is why we had Bernard, Maeve, and William to a lesser degree. They were the ones going to stop these two mad "men". Serac is clearly a villain, but so is Delores. What he did is pretty awful, but her answer to combating him (she suddenly cares about stopping him instead of destroying humanity) is essentially "two wrongs make a right". But then Bernard and Maeve side with the mass murdering murder bot who thinks she's a savior?! Who are are we supposed to be cheering for on this show?!

Wiliams, the excellent villain from season 1, is actually the least worst person of them all. Killed virtually no one in the real world, is renowned philanthropist, and is the only one who seems to give a shit that the robots just started the apocalypse. But hey, he's an evil corporatewhite man that the show is hell bent on punishing. For what, exactly? Murdering a bunch of machines HE DIDN'T KNOW were sentient? Yeah, totally worse than Delores.

Delores' turn is simply not believable. Her actions cannot be forgiven and there was no attempt at a build up to even try an. Last 20 minutes of the episode, she got all, "I'm trying to save the world, not destroy it." Not to mention, her plan for "saving" the world was exactly the same as when she wanted to destroy it. She saved the world by destroying it! What the actual fuck?!


^ bump


She saved the world by destroying it!

Typical A.I. thinking in virtually every A.I. movie ever. Super cliché.


It's hard to find any good discussions and criticism of this show, even on this forum. I joined the Reddit Sub for Westworld and it is literally infested with STANs and Mods who delete posts that are not in high praise of it.

Speaking to your point. This show has JJ Abrams' signature story-telling style of slowburn reveal of the plot and the character arcs using time jumps, postpartum scenes that are actually spoilers but without context we don't know yet, and red herrings like making us suspect that William might be a Host himself but then they run away from that at the end of season 3. I'm still confused by Robert Ford's character and motivations. Other than being a creepy mad scientist, we didn't get to learn much about his struggles with Delos and they really glossed over why he was able to tool around with the Hosts when he obviously created an adverse effect on the park overall leading to what Dolores has become.
