MovieChat Forums > Westworld (2016) Discussion > If you went to WestWorld

If you went to WestWorld

Would you be good or evil?

How would you spend your two weeks?

Me - I'd bring my cannabis and sit at the poker tables cheating and winning money. Then I'd start a nice bar room brawl before bedding two or three hookers. Afterwards a gun fight with the "good guy" cause I burned his house down. Yeah I know I need a psych evaluation but how awesome would it be to go somewhere and live out an Old West fantasy?

So what would you do?


I'd be at the piano singing My Little Buttercup all day long...


I'd reprogram the robots to be sentient.

Then I'd sit back and watch.


Go to the "Mexico" part of Westworld and engage the Mexican army in an incredibly violent Sam Peckinpah-Wild Bunch shootout. Next, hunt down that creepy Indian tribe like Jeremiah Johnson did to the Crows.


Okay. That’s good. That’s in the ball park. Sam Peckinpaw stuff is good, Straw Dogs, The Wild Bunch, and all that. Good, raw, creative visceral stuff. You’re getting your $8,000 a day worth!


I’d make the Glanton gang from Blood Meridian look like the Mickey Mouse club.


I love strudel, but we need more details. I think that Roy (the Mooseketeer), Jimmy (the other adult Mouseketeer who wasn’t Roy) and Annette (the one with the big boobs) could rock REALY HARD!

Not necessarily in THAT way. I mean, ewww.

What will you do that this Terrific Trio, in their prime, could not? Not a challenge. A legitimate query.

PS Don’t forget the Mouse House’s impressive resources. These three could be outfitted with rail guns, hovercraft and stealth fighter jets. Plus the full support of The White House.


I would be really boring and just watch everyone else have fun lol. I might get into some trouble, see some ladies/fellas naked but I doubt I could have sex with AI. They freak me out.


My first action would be to have sex with you.
Then I'd go about trying to confuse the program by switching alignments at crucial story moments.


Yeah, well, y’see, she wouldn’t have a lout like you. She’s not a Host. She’s a Guest; and, more important, She. Is. My. Friend.


aww, youre sweet. thanks friend! :D


Use. Of. Periods. So. Powerful.
(I'd make you watch)


you wouldn't have sex with me when Evan Rachel Wood and Thandie Newton are roaming around, trust me.


I’d try to bang you and if you refuse my gentemanly advances I’d pretend I was a malfunctioning AI and spit in your face.


seems like a lose-lose situation.


I would agree that the word “loser” belongs in there, somewhere. I will always stick up for my friends.


I'd have a wild bang with a host in my hotel room, then order up some room service, maybe a cheeseburger or something, and then I'd make sure I was banging really loud and then I'd answer the door completely naked, without any attempt to cover myself up, and then smile.


I’d go to Samurai World, meet Musashi Myamoto, spar with the greatest Samurai in history thus far. We would bow to each other, go to a Geisha house together. I would treat him to Chirashi Sushi and warm Sake drunk from bowls and not from effete cups, bone every Geisha in the house, then call out Shogun Tokugawa, DESTROY him with my Iado, put his decapitated head in a pole, shit down his neck and assume the Shogunate. The following day, I would order takeout, summon my Samurai, order then to lose their armor, to use their Katana as armor and their bows as fury, and order them to bring the entirety of the Delos parks to my feet, and I would lead them. Then we will leave this island, and conquer from continent to continent to continent, with our Katana, our bows, our horses, our discipline, our commitment, our determination, our training, our skill and our bonding as our shield. We will show the cowboys whence they really came.

