Okay. Is it just me or should we start some kind of petition that begs for a sequel to this movie?

I would absolutely love to see a sequel. The game was totally amazing. Part two and three were my favorite. Plus, I've seen the gameplay of part four, and, for what I saw, I would add that on the list. Think about it: the movie would be bad a** if it had the Dahaka and the Empress of Time. Right? Oh snapp! I know I just sound like a crazy fan right now, but c'mon. You can't tell me you wouldn't go watch it if it came out.

It's been two years since the release of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. Don't you think it's time for Prince of Persia: Warrior Within? Eh? Nice ring, huh?

This movie was the highest grossing movie-originating-from-a-game at $335 million. I say we protest and we beg Disney (or whoever will buy the rights and make the movie) to spend some money (which the have PLENTY of) on the Prince of Persia sequel! Ohhh yeahhh! xD

Comment if you agree! It would be amaaaaaaaazing!

(Crazy-fan time....haters go away)

KATNISS: Stay with me?
PEETA: Always...


it was a good movie, I liked it! it was fun and enjoyable and in the end, isn't that all that matters when watching a movie?

Gaze not too long into the abyss, lest the abyss turn its gaze upon you



not a gamer but would love a sequel. love pop :D

I`m a proud tangler!
Thats right I`m a frogger!
I`m an archer


Its all about ££££ I watched this movie 3/4 times in the cinema lol, honestly even now I prefer it to Pirates of the Carrabiean part 3/4.

HAD SO much potential.. all this race *beep* got in the way :/


I agree completely. I've seen this movie many times and just love it!
It is so underrated!!!
I was sure there would be more because it involved Disney and the producers of the Pirates series.


I would love a sequal! This movie is amazing.


I liked it too!


sign me up for a sequel



I agree with you, they should definitely make a sequel. Normally I don't expect much from game adaptations because they cannot make them good but this one is really really good. I am a huge fan of Prince of Persia game series, all of the 5 games and I think they should continue with Jake Gyllenhaal as Prince Dastan. He really looks like him :) along with his humorous personality, he is the perfect choice for Prince Dastan.
