Portrayal of Persia too positive?
I was disturbed by the clear bias even in the first lines of the film. Persia, which people should know is another name for Iran, was presented as a great and honorable civilization. Especially where they said wherever the Persians went, "order followed". Didn't they realize that the Persian Empire was created through invasion and occupation. THey said that Alamut souldn't havent been invaded but they were on their way to invading and conquering others as well.
With kids seeing this this is insidious liberal Hollywood propaganda in the Obama era that even Disney is into now. Do they realize that Iran is where they stone women to death for alledged adultery? Or where according to wikipedia marriages are often arranged between first cousins? That is the true Persia. That and the taking of the US embassy for over a year, the sponsorship of the Beirut barracks bombings, the supply of rockets to Hezbollah and the funding of terrorist Islamic militias in Lebanon.
Oh yeah and since they are into glorifying the Persian empire, they conveniently didn't reveal that the glory days of Iran, as well as Iraq (with Mesopotamia/Babylon) and Egypt all took place before the invention of Islam. After the invention of Islam by Muhammad in Saudi Arabia, which he forcibly spread throuhg teror, violence and invasion, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, and Pakistan all never reached their previous glory again.
Now imagine we have to go to war against Iran, and instead of an enemy country are kids are like why are we fighting Prince Dastan.....