If this doesn't at least get nominated, I have no faith/hope left in the whole awards scene. A masterfully written episode from Rob & Charlie, but Danny DeVito stole the show. An acting clinic from Danny. To take a character, in a 30 minute episode, from something that hilarious to something that intensely emotional and dramatic, and do both to absolute perfection... I never realized how truly great he is. And Rob's physical dedication to his work is up there with any of the super hero douche bags who can probably barely write their own name, let alone something this incredible. Rob and Danny both truly deserve more credit.
It would have been a great story on a different show, but in my opinion it threw the entire history of the series out the window. There were a lot of ways to end this that would have kept it in line with the tone of the previous 12 seasons, but I felt this was a bad direction to turn. I'll completely agree with Danny's amazing performance, and Mac looks amazing. I love that he has publicly shit on the idea that looking like he does this season is borderline ludicrous, and not a practical body image to realistically achieve. I still love the show, but felt this was a misstep.
I don't know. Hard to do the exact same shit for 13 + years and not have it evolve in some way, even for a comedy show in which the characters have intentionally never grew or changed. If it didn't, people would be bitching about that. Always someone searching for a reason to dislike something. It's sad what the structure of our society has become. One has to be a negative cunt to feel like they have value. Not you, per se, but I knew that would be a big percentage of the reaction. Above all else, we have to "fit in" by hating things, don't we? Some people will just never "get it".
I thought it was a really strange episode to be honest. I didn't realize that It's Always Sunny has become a heavy handed drama with dance numbers.
I kept waiting for a joke in the last 10 minutes, but it was just Mac dancing with a girl on stage. I guess for dance scenes it was kind of neat with the rain and everything, but this definitely wasn't "It's Always Sunny" to me. Frank SERIOUSLY crying at the end? Dude, what the fuck?
Very strange episode. I'm sure if you're someone trying to come out to your parents this episode really rang true to you and was amazing and absolutely powerful, but for someone wanting to watch a comedy show that ending was really weird and out of place.
I'm still shocked they turned Mac gay in the first place. They must really have an important personal story to tell, and there will be episodes like this from time to time.
All that being said, overall I really loved this season. If Dennis continues to miss episodes the show isn't going to last long though. We need the whole gang together.
Yes....ish. A big theme of season 14 was social commentary. Whole episodes devoted to various aspects of modern culture gone off the rails. And weird crap like a fantasy episode with Charlie. But there was a few great old school style episodes. But for the most part, this show has evolved into something not quite what it was. It's doing that thing now where it's more clever than it is funny.
I hate to sort of agree, but I absolutely hated the left-leaning political crap this last season. I knew it was a bad sign when we saw Mindy Kaling a while back.
The Mindy Kaling episode was absolute dog-shit. She was so awful and did not fit in with the show at all. Her "performances" are always so try hard and stupid.
mmm, sounds disappointing. Perhaps I'll just leave this show at the point I'm at. Really wish I hadn't watched this episode - only did so as the new season had just dropped on Netflix.
The great thing about Mac's gayness on this show was that even although he was always in denial, none of other characters cared one way or the other. The joke was always that they weren't prejudice in any way, they simply didn't care even though Mac wouldn't come out...
To this day, I still don't think that I have spoken with anyone that actually understood the real point behind 13-10, even from people that said they liked it. People are so hung up on the political/social/religious beliefs about homosexuality, that they fail to realize that the true meaning of the episode really has very little to do with "Mac's gayness". That's just the medium in which the story is told and the message delivered, or, at least, intended to be delivered. The main, overall point of the episode is about accepting things from people that you don't necessarily understand, as long as it doesn't negatively affect yourself. It doesn't have to be about homosexuality. It can be any topic. At first something can sound like gibberish, but if you care to try, you might just end up understanding it, even if it's not your cup of tea. It's very ironic that this message is entirely lost on most because of emotions involved in beliefs on homosexuality. Though, I would guess that they knew that would happen, to some degree or another. That's why the episode is brilliant.
The main, overall point of the episode is about accepting things from people that you don't necessarily understand, as long as it doesn't negatively affect yourself
The absolute key point of why this episode was garbage and anti one of the main premises of the entire show.
Everyone else already accepted Mac as gay but they simply didn't care - I'm sure there were multiple instances of Dennis in particular rolling his eyes at Mac's denials / obliviousness to his being gay. Maybe you could say it was just because of their narcissism but as a show it was cool because they were always completely accepting right back to Carmen. The joke was always just on Mac.
The episode is an utter failure first and foremost because it isn't at all funny but perhaps even more importantly (if possible being a comedy?) in that it sells the show itself out.
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"The absolute key point of why this episode was garbage and anti the one of the main premises of the entire show."
"The episode is an utter failure first and foremost because it isn't at all funny..."
Devito was hilarious in the episode. You're just being silly now. Despite my username, I'm not really emotionally invested enough to be "trolled". I'm sorry to disappoint you by not delivering the argument you were probably looking for. Try the Marvel/Disney/Star Wars crowd; you'll have better luck there.
Despite my username, I'm not really emotionally invested enough
Well yes exactly my point - it was quite clear you're not invested in the show otherwise you would know exactly what I was talking about and be similarly disappointed.
And it simply defies logic to describe me as "trolling" since I'd actually responded to someone else on this thread. You were under absolutely no obligation to reply to me. Unless of course you think I'm some kind of alpha psychic troll who has some precognitive ability to know that when I post some random user out of thousands will reply to me 😂
... And, Frank running about trying to stop his nose bleeding the whole episode. Wtf? Yeah the absolute comedic zenith of the show's entire 13 season run...
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"Finally watched this after stopping season 13 after watching the awful bathroom problem episode.
Really cannot believe how bad this was.
Can anyone advise if season 14 is a return to form or has this show lost it now?"
You know good and well those last two lines are an attempt to incite something with me. Otherwise, you could have said it to any of the other three people involved in the thread at that point.
Please, though, while you're explaining both life and comedy to me, go ahead and explain how MovieChat works as well, because I clearly don't understand ANYTHING.
Please, though, while you're explaining both life and comedy to me, go ahead and explain how MovieChat works as well, because I clearly don't understand ANYTHING.
Clearly you don't.
Not sure if you are deliberately being stupid / trying to troll me but this is how MovieChat or pretty much ANY message board works:-
1. Someone starts a thread.
2. People may respond to that comment by hitting the "REPLY" button and making their comment.
3. And so on...
I replied to a user called "TandyMan"s comments and you saw fit to hit that "REPLY" button and engage in conversation directly with ME.
You were under absolutely no obligation to. However, once you do, it does make you look rather stupid to accuse me of trolling...
Please, please, please do not reference my first post on this thread AGAIN as this is not what you responded to...
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So, you really are saying that the reply mentioned above wasn't a direct response to my OP? Just need to make sure, as I make it a point not to argue with the mentally challenged. It just makes me feel bad.
No, anyone reading this can clearly look back up the thread and see the comment you replied to OBVIOUSLY wasn't a response to the OP.
You simply need to make it a point to look at the thread (which isn't really that hard 😂) and then it is you who won't appear to be mentally challenged...
Seriously - Are you genuinely claiming I didn't respond to TandyMan? What an utter clown...
Please, please, please do not reference my first post on this thread AGAIN as this is not what you responded to...
"You simply need to make it a point to look at the thread (which isn't really that hard 😂) and then it is you who won't appear to be mentally challenged..."
You got that right.
Wow, you're a dumbass.
"Finally watched this after stopping season 13 after watching the awful bathroom problem episode.
Really cannot believe how bad this was.
Can anyone advise if season 14 is a return to form or has this show lost it now?"
Tell me then, which post was the above in response to? I'll wait. We're not discussing which brilliant reply of yours that I eventually responded to (nice attempt to change the subject though). We're discussing your intent with your original reply to the OP, if you can ever muster up the intelligence or character to admit what that was.
Dude are you f*cking kidding? You DID NOT respond to that post, you responded to my reply to TandyMan! You are talking about intelligence but you are simply failing to understand this very simple fact 😂
No matter what you say the evidence is right above you! You can be as unpleasant and nasty as you like but absolutely nothing you say can change that nor how stupid arguing to the contrary makes you look...
Please, please, please do not reference my first post on this thread AGAIN as this is not what you responded to...
That was a reply to your OP but YOU did not reply to that did you?
You replied to my comment to someone else and then accused me of trolling you when I replied to that!
I simply wouldn't have responded to that first post HAD you responded to that.
You need to learn how how message boards work, how to spot who is replying to whom and learn a little etiquette. You simply make yourself look like a bit of a clown by failing to do so and then being unreasonably rude when someone points out your failures.
Good luck to you Sir 👍
Please, please, please do not reference my first post on this thread AGAIN as this is not what you responded to...
The thread will speak for itself to anyone that actually reads it.
The first sensible thing you have said! I'm glad you have finally said something I can agree with 😂
Like I said - Good day to you Sir 👍 And good luck to you on your quest to understanding how discussions on message boards work! It's really not that hard...
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said so well , totally agree , no one actually cared or minded that Mac was gay , no need to make a whole episode about it as if from the beginning everyone was prejudiced or discriminating him on that.
in an interview of Rob that i saw he says he has two lesbian moms and a lesbian sister, so it would explain why he is so obsessed with this topic and the utterly failure of that out of place coming out episode.
The show had been going downhill for quite sometime, but this really was the jump the shark moment. It turned into an entirely different episode just for woke points and was pretentious as fuck,
If you think it jumped the shark after the 13th season, then that's damn impressive. There are barely TV shows that it's still going strong after 13 seasons like IASIP.