Colin Hanks sucked

Colin Hanks was contrived and way overplaying the weirdness factor.... But lots of good frontal nudity, kind of disturbing... but it's kind of unbeilevable so it's not terribly disturbing. I liked it. Deserves a 6.2 like imdb says. Maybe even a 7. It was better than most films Ive watched lately.


At first, I thought his performance sucked, and then I rethought it.

I actually understand now that he is ACTING at being a POOR ACTOR. Doug is rehearsing his own scripts and knows exactly what to say to Amy before he's approaching, so every conversation he uses on her isn't going to sound natural and some of the ways he acts are going to be out of place, odd.

I'm sure it's meant to be that way to prompt Amy and Jen into believing there IS something somewhat off about him (Amy even admits it that there was something not right about Doug, she didn't know what it was).


I thought he was brilliant in the part, creepy suits him.


Colin Hanks sucks in every movie he's in. He's a terrible actor - just like his over-praised, overrated father.


What exactly did you find unbelievable? You can purchase everything he used online for pretty cheap.

I personally thought Colin Hanks did great.


Thought he did a fine job. I came across this movie on Netflix, and really glad I gave it a go. I enjoyed it, and the chick is smoking hot!


It's funny you say that, cause I've seen it on Netflix for a couple of years. The description they gave for it made it sound stupid so I never bothered to watch it. Then I noticed Colin Hanks was in it and thought well it can't be that bad.

Glad I did. And yes, she IS hot.
