Why rated so high?

I am just so curious why it has that high of a rating?
The hype is gone now, we all saw it and can be more objective.
The films biggest weaknes is Harvey Dent and the ending. The story could work without it making it more coherant and the idea to blame the Dark Knight is silly... Considering they compleately undo it in TDKR.
Does it deserve top 4 of all time?


It absolutely deserves it. Just look at the film man, 8 years have passed and we still can't believe how can it be so perfect and awesome.


True, except we can't believe how imperfect and awful it was when you actually scrutinize it without being a fanboy.


Congrats, you were #1 again. Top poster on a board for a movie you hate. Way to live, mate.


The future is in the hands of a man who has none.(As in no future, as opposed to no hands.)


It's been sitting at a 9.0 for nearly 10 years, ever since it came out. I can say people LOVED this movie to a high degree and still do. It's beloved. Why? Well, it's aged a bit, so there's nostalgia and it holds a special place for some people because of Ledger. Also, it set a new standard for comic book movies that still leaves recent DC movies at a disadvantage. It's story is simple that kids can follow, but hits all the beats a fan would demand. The music, acting, and cinematography are still amazing too, and it helped change Hollywood to what it is now, for better or worse. It was the perfect storm.


it holds a special place for some people because of Ledger

That is a huge reason, plus the crazy devotion of Nolanites.

Plus, there are no standards when it comes to voting on IMDB. You could be a complete and utter idiot and watch 15 movies by one actor, and give them all 1/10 even though the movies cover many different genres.

it helped change Hollywood to what it is now,

I don't see that at all. DC is the only one which is making somber and morose comic book movies, and they aren't doing all that well.

Also, when you categorize this movie as being one of the best ever, it simply doesn't hold up to scrutiny.

The only part of this that was a "perfect storm" was the unfortunate passing of Ledger. Because of his fan base, people who would never go see a comic book movie went and saw this one and, combined with it not having a lot of CGI, wrongly believe this is how superhero movies should be.



This film is great and deserves a rating around 8.4-8.5. With tons of Christopher Nolan fans & Heath Ledger fans pulling the rating even higher, it reaches 9.0.


With tons of Christopher Nolan fans & Heath Ledger fans pulling the rating even higher,

That is the ONLY thing you got right. Biased fans rate it highly.





I don't get it either. Its a good film, I gave it a 9 just because I love Batman and Heath Ledger's performance is perfect. But I don't think that it even belongs in the top 250. There are much better films which aren't in the top 250. And number 4? Are you *beep* serious!? Dr Strangelove is rated lower!?


Re: Why rated so high?
by theveneficus
ยป 1 hour ago (Mon Oct 24 2016 11:54:40)
IMDb member since September 2015

I don't get it either. Its a good film, I gave it a 9

Good Lord...๎€ฒ

You gave it a nine yet you don't get why it is rated so high.

Your rating is higher than the IMDb Top 250 rating of 8.9 and is right in line with the overall average rating.

Yet you don't get it why it is rated so high...

Mind boggling...




๎€ฆ It really is ponderous. But also fascinating.


So you voted it a 9, and you were disappointed to see that most other people voted it 9 as well?

It's not very often someone on the internet is upset because most other people agree with them!

I joke. But seriously, is it more that you felt other films should have been rated higher so they would have a higher placing in the top 250 than this?


Well, Ledger was great in it and the Batman character was developed okay I guess. Agreeing with you though, Look how much Nolan bros' project cost WB for this pic(185 friggin million) where Eckhart and Ledger gave better performances than the hero playing actors. I don't hate Bale but Eckhart really was better for Batman, made for it. Nolan is biased to buddies Cavill, Bale ("ooh I hate Robin"). Pfft... it was entertaining in some scenes though. Also you're right this is not how Dent was made... in a warehouse surrounded by oil drums, which oddly is metaphorically similar to an uncaped crusader's (maybe even my) life who speaks out in clown (crown?) prince of crime regions and the oil drums are you know something clown princes supposedly have a lot, but not really, but that aside I wanna ask Nolan, where's the acid splash origin Kilmer did well and per comics...



This film as number 4 of all time is completely absurd.
I'm not even saying that it's a bad film.
I have not watched the entire thing since I saw it in the theater.
But to say that no films by these directors are better is crazy:
PT Anderson
Wes Anderson

Well, basically any director that is not Coppola or Frank Darabont, who is really mostly known for Shawshank.

Is it even the best film by Christopher Nolan?

I guess this list is really more like, what does the general public mostly agree on that 'x' film is good.


I guess this list is really more like, what does the general public mostly agree on that 'x' film is good.

So why did you spend the bulk of your post arguing a straw man premise?
