You people are incredible!
Can't you feel any of the flow in the movie, what it's about? The music, the theme, the mood. What the hell? The backrub fits perfectly into the overall theme, and yet people HAS to focus on whatever minute homoerotic tension there might be between them. I mean COME ON. If there was any point to them being homosexual, or even Kurt being homosexual, why hide it in plain sight like this? Think about it, there's no function to such a relationship within the movie, ok? The movie isn't about their sexuality specifically, it's about an old friendship that somehow got lost in time, it's about people changing, it's about the spirituality of the forest, it's about how you can create moments, it's about everything BUT sexuality (in other than a general way, where everything might be about it).
What is it with people and their fear of everything that aren't themselves? Can't you TRY for once getting into a different frame of mind, if only for a second? Is it really that hard? And I'm not saying that you essentially have to be a homophobe to see the movie in this way either, I'm just saying, what's the deal with your focus? Can't you try to look at the world from a neutral perspective where stuff like this doesn't overshadow everything else, where you don't have to look down on people who doesn't desperatly try to fit in? Ok, you think they were gay, so what? What else? Does it change the rest of the movie? Is that the only theme? What else do you think and feel about it?
It's a portrayal of two specific people in a specific time and place. Did you stop to think that the actions in themselves were controlled by something bigger than them? Did you stop to think maybe there's an atmosphere and a mood to be experiencing here? An emotion perhaps? It might be a learning experience for some, but come on, if all you have to say about a movie like this is, «backrubs are gay», then just go do something else, why did you even bother seeing this movie? Do something that engages you, and don't post on a message board about completely uninteresting things. If you're obsessed with anything gay, I'm sure there are message boards for that...