MovieChat Forums > The Cottage (2008) Discussion > Anyone Else Think This Sucked?

Anyone Else Think This Sucked?

I recently saw sevrence(spelling) now that was funny horror/killer moive with really humans as the killer.

This movie had its parts, I'll say that much, I loved peter and his screaming he could challenge some girls. The head butting rocked. But the movie sort of lost it's humor toward the end I think.

Also I hate after credit scences. No one wants to watch the credits, no one cares who the food guy is or what not. I would liked it to end where the farmer came out but Arnie men's all pulled guns on him and shot him and them it said Fin. That would have maid a good ending. I hope there are no sequals.

Well that's my 2 cents, gonna give yours now?

