Not impressed
I thought this movie was boring, dull, cliched and generic. It's the sort of film they kept making in America throughout the 70s and 80s. I just felt I had seen it all before.
"Don't leave us in the dark!"
I thought this movie was boring, dull, cliched and generic. It's the sort of film they kept making in America throughout the 70s and 80s. I just felt I had seen it all before.
"Don't leave us in the dark!"
I wouldnt go as far as calling it dull but it certainly didnt do a great deal for me, it didnt really bring anything new to me.
I generally rated it as a little above average as far as films go.
yeah well. i was impressed.
shareCare to elaborate? What impressed you about this film?
"Don't leave us in the dark!"
What isn't impressive? The storytelling, cinematics, lighting, sound, was all there. One of the best horror movies I've seen and I've seen a hell of a lot of them.
"Some people just need to accept they don't know things"
I don't think this was a horror movie.
I did think it was pretty good though. Yeah it was a little slow but every scene was important so it worked. Like Rosemary's Baby. Brilliant movie but a little slow.
I did sixty in five minutes once...
I wouldn't call this a horror film either. To me it was more along the lines of fantasy storytelling. And yes, it was horribly boring in the first half of the film. Then when the viewer figures out what's going on, to me anyway, it was like "big whoop".
I suppose the film is supposed to leave the viewer all mushy over the sentimentality of it all? It didn't work for me. 3/10 and that's being generous.
"When you see your fears on a screen, it helps you to get rid of them." Gaspar Noé
Remnant you just made me cancel watching this movie. Was about to but soon as I read this review I stopped and will not be watching this movie. I will not watch a movie that will more than likely put me to sleep
sharewhy the hell would you not watch a movie just because one person doesn't like it? watch it and try and form your own opinion.
Personally, I thought The Orphange was excellent. Well acted and great storytelling with some genuine chills along the way. I would recommend it o anyone.
I agree. Best horror/suspense I've ever seen.....
shareYou made me LOL. One person gives a negative extremely short review of a movie and, despite the fact that there are many others who liked it, you cancel? That's not a good reason, let me tell you
"Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop."
I watched this movie for the third time last night. My 15 yr old grandson joined me. I still liked it very much. I also picked up on things I had missed before. First time I did not realize where Simon was or what had happened to him. I burst into tears when I realized that his death was inadvertently the fault of his mother the first time I saw this. To me that is a good movie, so much better than Shutter Island, or the one by James Cameron (can't remember its name) And I thought Inception was terrible although I did like the other latest one with Matt Damon about death after life although I don't believe in that at all.
sharewell if a person has SIMILAR tastes to you and their track record has proven credible then you CAN easily take one persons opinion over the majority...
for the record i think the film is good but poorly mislabeled as horror
If that's being generous I'd hate to catch you on a bad day. I took this movie as I found it, no expectations, and I have to say it was sublime.
Life is just one damned thing after another - Elbert Hubbard
Agreed. I'd had this on my Netflix Queue for a while and hadn't really given it much thought since I'd added it. I was really surprised by this flick. I wonder if those that didn't enjoy it were just expecting more action? Some people just can't sit still and let the drama build (not a diss). I am always interested to hear what type or specific movies really stuck with them and why. I gave this an 8 out of 10.
shareYeah I don't know what people were expecting, maybe more of your typical 'horror'. This film shouldn't be dismissed because it's brilliant.
Life is just one damned thing after another - Elbert Hubbard
If that's being generous I'd hate to catch you on a bad day. I took this movie as I found it, no expectations, and I have to say it was sublime.
3/10?! Even with a poor story, a movie with such high production values surely must warrant more! Do you not at all care about camera work, acting, lighting, sound design, or anything of that sort? Like seriously? Film is a visual medium as much as anything else. Sure, being entertained is the most important thing here, but boring does not necessarily equal poor. There's too much to it. I think sometimes you need to look past your own distaste and look at what could appeal, if you're going to review something anyways. How much about this was bad according to you, anyway? Apart from story?
I'm sorry, but I can't get over this Just... How can movies like Pocket Ninjas seriously be close to being in the same league to you? What other movies gets such a low rating from you? And more importantly, which are masterpieces?
Your scale seems messed up.
"Worship me or I'll torture you forever"
- Your loving God
that's a dumb way of thinking. obviously you liked this film but do i criticize your "distaste", your (supposedly) "messed up scale" or what? who is the authority deciding whose scale is the most accurate and whose scale is messed up? you? lol... i guess i'm free enough to give pocket ninjas 10/10. i dont need permission.
i dont even care what kind of films you like.
I realize taste is subjective, but there has to be some objective aspect of things, I think.
Yes, I suppose you could rate Pocket Ninjas 10/10. It really does all depend on what you're looking for (and getting). I'm a fan of cheesy '80s horror movie, myself. What I look for in those are the poor quality; exaggerated gore, horrible acting, etc. I wouldn't call the movies great, but they can be fun as hell, yes. And that's what I want. Some fail miserably in that aspect; Chopping Mall's just plain awful. Extremely boring. Neon Maniacs is a lot of fun, on the other hand.
I concede, though; my reply reeks of douchebaggery. But I just can't grasp ROTA's opinion. I really do wonder what his taste is like in general. Oh well, I guess he wasn't writing a review, anyhow. You really don't have to be objective in informal situations. I guess he simply rated it after how much he enjoyed it (not much at all). Still can't get how anyone could like it that little, but yeah, opinions.
Not a huge fan of the movie, by the way. Only seen it once and I did enjoy it, but it hasn't really stuck with me. It's not something I've thought about days after.
I hear his theme music, he's around here somewhere...
I wholeheartedly agree!!!
And anyone who doesn't clearly wouldn't know a good scary movie if it swallowed them alive!!!
I especially love the fact that someone actually tried to make it sound as if the film's homage to 70's psychological horror is a bad thing! Seriously? Are you kidding me!?!?!?!
Go watch Hostel or something dumbass.
"I knew you'd pick Medea over the well-being of the world... I would have." --> Finger
I wholeheartedly agree!!!LOL, seriously...
And anyone who doesn't clearly wouldn't know a good scary movie if it swallowed them alive!!!
I especially love the fact that someone actually tried to make it sound as if the film's homage to 70's psychological horror is a bad thing! Seriously? Are you kidding me!?!?!?!
Go watch Hostel or something dumbass.
Don't be angry because you can't read English subtitles. This film was one of the best that I have seen in the last five years in the Horror genre.
share"Don't be angry because you can't read English subtitles. This film was one of the best that I have seen in the last five years in the Horror genre."
That's a pathetic statement. I didn't mention subtitles. In fact, I likened this film to numerous generic American movies. Just because this film has subtitles doesn't elevate it above all the English language films. I watch all kinds of World cinema. There are good films and bad films, and this was a bad film. You accuse me of anger, but I was merely expresssing my opinion. It seems your reply was made in anger and it was so misjudged that it has angered me to write this reply.
"This sounds like a dialogue from our script!"
I gave this movie a 9/10. Absolutely fantastic. I was not wholly convinced by the Peter Pan symbolism , but I didn't need to be to find the rest of the film truly magnificent.
"I am not young enough to know everything"share
100% agree. I gave it a 9.
Agreed. Nothing to see here.
"This sounds like a dialogue from our script!"
"I just felt I had seen it all before. "
I'd like to know what Cliche 70's and 80's film that you relate it to.
The film IS boring, I had to fast forward through some development my 2nd and 3rd time around after many years, but it's far from bad.
There is a very precise story that doesn't come together until the end. We are given a look at how happy the orphanage was at the start of the film and you have to visualize how quickly it went downhill from there. That could almost be a movie in itself, and the woman eventually payed for her horrible horrible crime.
It's not an awful film, but I found it so disappointingly generic. The problem with remembering the films it reminds me of is that they were so forgettable and that is my point.
"This sounds like a dialogue from our script!"
i would give it max. 4. i'm not a die-hard materialist who dont believe anything outside material world. besides i love works of surrealist directors such as buñuel and lynch. i also like fantasy films like el laberinto del fauno.
but this "children / souls which come back / haunting / yeah ghosts you wanna play games? let's play games" stuff. simply shallow. i dont like when they try to scare us with ghosts or souls or whatever. it's so cheap. there were such good lines about what i mean, from "scream 4";
"...It's not aliens or zombies or little Asian ghost girls. There's something real about a guy with a knife who just... Snaps... It could really happen."
i like to see horror/thriller films which make us think about possibilities and simply play "logic" games to solve mysteries. you can do millions of "scary" scenes with ghosts as you are almost without a limitation. possibilities are endless. just make some darkness, shut some doors blablabla.
along with roberts-geer-ryan etc. "romantic comedy" stuff, this kind of films are one of those which i could never like.
how this movie was a million miles away from cliché... the 'cheap scares' played the smallest part of its chill factor.
the atmosphere was incredible, the scenes themselves played the scare, not the actions.
'123' with ghosts? i was bricking it, not knowing what might happen... but, when she wasn't mauled by 5 flesh hungry devil children and instead had to chase them... i bricked it some more... "where the **** is this taking me????"
there were plenty of "don't go in there!" moments that didn't lead to cheap thrills but plot mystery and plot development instead.
the only cheapshot to be found (imo) was the roadaccident victim grabbing out... and that was pure blackcomedy. I loved it.
I'm either preaching to the choir or souls that can't/don't-want-to be saved
Beneath the Cherry Tree, where the Ripe fall
It's not so hard to understand why some can't appreciate well made and well acted horror (with mix of drama and fantasy storytelling) movie with interesting plot but slower pacing. Many people nowadays are used to watch horror movies with more action, blood and graphical shocking moments and movies like Orphanage seems boring, dull and slow to them. You don't need to expect typical horror movie to enjoy Orphanage if you can generally enjoy great cinematic experience. I love this film. 9/10
You go Glen Coco...
Sorry, but some people simply didn't enjoy the movie (or didn't enjoy it very much), period. Your point is valid, but not everyone didn't like the movie for its "lack of action, blood and shocking moments".
I kinda like it, but to me there was nothing new or fresh. I've seen much better similar movies (A Tale of 2 Sisters is a good example).