MovieChat Forums > The Fall (2008) Discussion > Fans- How old are you, how did you first...

Fans- How old are you, how did you first see it, and what you like most

I'm 19. I actually stumbled upon the IMDb by accient, but the film looked cool, so I rented it. And it was amazing. I own it on blu ray too! You, guys?

Why did the hipster burn his mouth on the pizza? He ate it before it was cool.


I was 16 when I first saw this movie, and it is still to this day my favorite movie of all time. It was recommended by a family friend who thought we would enjoy it, and we certainly did. I must say that my two favorite aspects of the film is the chemistry between Lee Pace and Catinca Untaru, and the stunning cinematography. I would recommend this movie to anyone.


I'm 25, I keep a movie journal, and in 2010 out of the 132 movies I saw that year, this was the best. I found it randomly here on imdb and thought it looked fantastic.

Then I saw it, and realised it's got a lot more into it than the visuals. Sometimes you just feel a movie's gonna be awesome from the get-go, you know? This was one of those times, I was already very emotionally invested in the characters before I knew pretty much anything about them. By the end of the movie I was totally in love, saw it again for about 5 times in the course of the next two weeks.

Some people on these boards say the ending was weak, but I think Alexandria's v.o. sums it up perfectly: "Thank you very much" - for saving Roy's life. I couldn't talk for a long time after the credits started rolling.


I'm 43. It was recommended on IMDb by another poster as the most beautiful film they had seen so on that basis I bought the DVD and instantly fell in love with ... Alexandria! I like most the scenes between Roy and Alexandria whose relationship was just perfect in the sense of feeling true. The second thing I like most is the way people at the hospital worked their way into Alexandria's visual images of the story. The third thing I liked were the costumes - just exquisite.

Needless to say this is one of top 10 favourite films.

Why problem make? When you no problem have, you don't want to make ...


I'm 33. First watched this film a few years ago based on a friends recommendation. I have seen it many times since. There is so much that I like about this, the costumes, the architecture, the visuals (salvador dali is my favorite painter and this was like getting to live inside one of those paintings for a couple of hours). I am also moved by the characters and there depth but above all I think what I most appreciate about this film is how beautiful a tribute it is to film making or at least of telling and listening to stories.
As well as being a film I love, this film perfectly illustrates why I love film.

my top ten:


I'm 46 and I first saw The Fall on Netflix a couple of years ago. I was dumbstruck by the beauty of the cinematography and the simplicity of the soundtrack. The relationship between these two damaged individuals and how they made each other whole is one of the best examples of how humans need each other. Beautiful story telling to go along with the beautiful visuals. It is one of my favorite films of all time.


I'm currently 21 and I actually just saw this film about two days ago.
For a while, I was constantly seeing gifs and photosets of The Fall on Tumblr, and though it intrigued me, I never would make the effort to see it (shame on me). Finally, I saw it was on someone's list of favorite films and we just so happened to have a lot of favs in common. I was already logged onto Netflix, so I searched it just to see if it was streaming. I'm so thankful that it was, because it's one of the greatest films I've seen thus far. The relationship between Roy and Alexandria was probably what I loved most about it. They really gave the film its heart. I suppose the gorgeous cinematography didn't hurt, either.

if you're a strong female, you don't need permission


Old and vain enough not to post my age.

First saw this movie about year ago. I've probably watched it 15 times now. See something new each time. My favorite movie of all time.

Never got to see it in the theater. My main regret in life.

I understand. Thank you for telling me. -The masked bandit


In the industry 30 years. The critics are totally to blame for burying this masterpiece of film making.


I'm 51.

I rented it from Netflix a year or two ago and absolutely loved it. I recently decided to treat myself so I bought it from Amazon, watched it over the weekend and cried like a baby.

None of my kids is interested in seeing it. *sigh*


I'm in my Forties, and I discovered this movie at the end of January 2012.
My work is loosely related to fashion, so, on the day that Japanese costume designer Eiko Ishioka died, tributes started to flow in from my Facebook and Twitter acquaintances.
I knew her work for Dracula, The Cell, Mirror Mirror, but people were also posting amazing costumes made for a movie I'd never heard before. I d*wnl*aded and watched The Fall that same night.
I would have been happy even if it was a crap movie; Ishioka's visuals were interesting enough. Turns out it was one of the best movies I've ever seen!


I'm 28 and I just saw it! I forget how I got to know about it. Either an IMDB message board on Cloud Atlas (A. Breathtaking. Film. Just watch it please!) recommended The Fall as similar to Cloud Atlas. Or I was browsing trailers on YouTube and saw its thumbnail.

So many amazing scenes. What I am thinking of most right now:

The death of the monkey kind of symbolized how we always look for something far away and never fully appreciate what we have in front of us. Darwin was after the butterfly but never took the time to appreciate the monkey.

Meven_Stoffat: Is there any chance that the signature joke at the end of your posts is something you heard in one of Hank Green's youtube videos? :-)
"Why did the hipster burn his mouth on the pizza? He ate it before it was cool."
