MovieChat Forums > The Fall (2008) Discussion > Fans- How old are you, how did you first...

Fans- How old are you, how did you first see it, and what you like most

I'm 19. I actually stumbled upon the IMDb by accient, but the film looked cool, so I rented it. And it was amazing. I own it on blu ray too! You, guys?

Why did the hipster burn his mouth on the pizza? He ate it before it was cool.


Hey! I'm 19 too and I love this movie! It's in my top ten (I probably have more than ten movies there though, I need to count again.) I stumbled upon a trailer for it and I can't remember how I did. It was around the time that I started getting into indy films and this movie is pretty much the epitome of indy movies. It's so visually engrossing. I love the colors and visual quality. But, I like the story a lot too. It's sad and engaging and you care about the characters. It's been too long since I've seen it. I found it really cheap on DVD so I bought it. But, I need to get it on blue ray--I can only imagine how much more visually captivating it is in high rez.


I was 45 when I first saw this film in 2008 -- when it was released in movie theatres in the U.S. I had seen a New York Times article and slideshow about the film's visuals before it came out ( and knew I had to see it. I ended up seeing it eight times over the course of 10 or so weeks. I was lucky that it stayed in the theatre for so long! So, it probably wouldn't surprise you to hear that it's one of my all-time favorite films. I really wish more people had seen it, and I'm glad to see that there are some younger people who like the film!


i am 22 and i am so happy to have stumbled upon this movie ,i was watching shutter islands trailer on youtube and i happened to see a thumbnail of a women in red with a grand headgear and got curious !
and was happy to find this movie like...also i was amazed at how beautifully indian locations are used into the plot in the movie! :)


One of my all time favorite films and I'm 63.



I'm 18 and found about about this film when Peter Jackson cast Lee Pace as Thranduil in The Hobbit because of his performance in The Fall. I couldn't find it anywhere so I bought it online and wow. It's got to be the most captivating film I've ever seen, not just visually.


OH. That's why I recognized him!

I'm 18, just stumbled upon the movie on Netflix last night. Loved it.


I'm 25, first saw this when I was 21. Saw the trailer randomly and from that moment knew I had to see this film. Ordered it on amazon and have loved it ever since. Visually it is breath-taking but I love the relationship between the girl and lee's character. So good.


I am 36 and this is one of my favorite films ever. Have seen it over 12 times and it´s one that can´t be seen enough :)

I saw it first when it came out on DVD-BR and was hooked by the opening sequence, plus I´m a big fan of Tarsem´s "The Cell".

What did I like the most? That´s tricky. The colors, images, storyline, just she sheer imagination and of course the little girl.

"One day my log will have something to say about this."


I'm 20, but first saw it a year ago. I rented it at a Blockbuster actually because I had heard of it online. I love this film so much. I'm so glad I found it. I can't even put into words what I like about it because it's just an amazing movie.


I'm 16. The first Tarsem Singh movie I saw was Immortals, and I hated it. Nevertheless, I wanted to see what else the director had done, so I found this on IMDb. I just got around to watching it on Netflix and I loved it. I'm not sure what I liked the most. The visuals were great, of course, but my favorite thing was probably the relationship between Roy and Alexandria. Roy was a really interesting character, and the way they interacted throughout the film built up perfectly for the dramatic climax when he tells her the final part of the story. The acting was fantastic.

I mean, I rated this a 10/10, so I guess I'd say that everything was great. Acting, story, visuals... all perfect.

"I was cured, all right."


I'm 26 and someone asked us to review this as one of our Netflix movie reviews. IT was awesome! Thanks, btw, I was wondering whether or not it was on Blu ray. It's a buy for sure. Makes me dissapointed that I didn't like Immortals more, since Tarsem also directed it.

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