MovieChat Forums > Chaos Theory (2007) Discussion > to any guy thinking about watching this ...

to any guy thinking about watching this film

This film might actually turn you into a woman. It is not original as some people have claimed. It will make you want to poke your eyes out.
If any women read this please never ever force your boyfriend to watch this film. they might die of boredom.


Disagree... completely... For some guys drama is the equivalent of a chick flick. For me, this was a great watch. It was well written and actors did a good job. Only thing that bothered me on the "chicky flicky" side was the music. Would have wanted to compose the music score for this one and throw out the garbage tunes they picked.


I am a guy too, I didn't find it to be a chick flick. Thought it was an interesting story.

You need to soften up a bit and not be so emotionally stunted. Otherwise you might find your girlfriend goes elsewhere for her emotional needs and then you may be able to relate to part of this movie lol.


Agreed! And well written. This is a useless chick flick like mentioned :)


Ah, the neanderthal demographic weighs in. How charming.
Bad news, Grog; I'm not gay, I'm not a woman, and I did not die of boredom. I also missed out on the desire to remove my eyeballs, as you suggested.

Is it a chick-flick? Absolutely!
But it's a guy-friendly chick-flick.
Yes, there IS such a thing, and this is it.

Anybody who can watch Reynolds' reaction to the news he gets, and not identify with the feeling of having his heart ripped out thru his chest, either has no heart, or has no balls.

It takes guts to be a parent to begin with, and to endure what he endures, and come out a better man on the other side without eating a bullet...

Great movie, well-written, VERY well acted, and a killer indie-rock soundtrack!


I'm a guy, and I enjoyed it. I thought it was very well acted and extremely funny. I loved the end where he said he'd been a lil bit bad. I think most guys are under the impression just because a movie is about love/relationships that it is horrible. I also enjoyed Made of Honor and P.S. I Love You, even they were "chick flicks"...The Notebook on the other hand, didn't care for even though James Garner is a helluva actor.


I agree with everything you've just said. If being a chick-flick means being a movie with heart and soul, then this is it. To the OP, being a guy precludes having heart? Geez, I'd hate to be your girlfriend, good luck to her!


Load pincus.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


Im a guy and really liked this movie. I even got teary in some scenes lol.


Its one of my favorite flicks, well acted a good script. I felt Ryan tears at the curb of the road. It was most demoralizing feeling a guy could have it could have been worse. Well I know due too I have KS. It made me happier of somewhat he has a child and wife to be love in the end, this movie touched me.


Nah, I thought the movie was just fine. I am a guy, and I was really impressed with the story and the acting.
Life can be brutal, and the actors, especially Reynolds really conveyed the pain and suffering that we can go through at times.
I would highly recommend it to any guy.


this movie is about chaos, sex, drinking, fighting, illegitimate children, and a badass ryan reynolds.

just dont pay attention to all the *beep* chick parts.


My husband was thinking of me when he got this movie, which we're watching later tonight. He knows I'm very organized and like my duckies in a row, and he thought I might get a kick out of it. We don't force each other to watch anything, and we also take note of each other when one or the other gets all excited about sharing some old or rediscovered favorite. It's one reason why we're celebrating our 13th anniversary in two months, and one reason why we just might end up going the distance in our life together.
XO, sweetie.

"It's f()cking distracting...OHHHH GOOOD!!!"
