
Why are people so outraged by the amount of nudity in this movie? I'm a guy and I found the nudity in this movie rather tastefully done. I mean whats with all the hate are all the women who are angered about this movie so ashamed by the human body. Seriously, whats so offensive about something that every women on the planet has. Its ridiculous.


I've watched this film with my girlfriend, with an ex-girlfriend as well as with a lesbian couple and neither of them considered this film to be offensive at all. Maybe it's just a matter of American puritanism?!


I think whats really "offensive" are people trying to impose their own view of beauty on the director's as if it's somehow "more accurate" or "more correct" then his. Which of course completely misses the point of art and beauty in the first place.

This film obviously showcases very specific types and views of beauty. Compare for instance the spilt pees vs the nude women. But it should be obvious from the start that this movie isn't about a universal cross-cultural journey through every possible concept of beauty someone might have. If you expected that from the movie again I feel you completely missed what the director was going for.

The movie is very much from the perspective of the protagonist and that is reflected in the perspectives on beauty that are shown. The movie wasn't offensive, it was a personal and honest journey of one artist's perspective. If the director changed that out of fear of offending some people it would have corrupted the entire theme of the movie.

Ultimately there are living, breathing, people in reality who don't find women of a certain body type attractive and I feel that there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I think it's this reality that offends you, not the movie it's self.


Because they are prudes


because the one's that are outraged are upset over the fact that their body doesn't even come close to resembling the bodies of the women in the movie...the nudity was tastefully done and i agree with you, it is ridiculous.

"yeah...they said that would happen in health class"
