Why are people so outraged by the amount of nudity in this movie? I'm a guy and I found the nudity in this movie rather tastefully done. I mean whats with all the hate are all the women who are angered about this movie so ashamed by the human body. Seriously, whats so offensive about something that every women on the planet has. Its ridiculous.
I agree. I watched it for the first time last night. I thought the nude scenes were relevant and done tastefully. There were no vulgar sex scenes or anything that women watching this film should be offended by.
Thoroughly enjoyable, rather laddish though many of the women are presented as icons rather than real people. However, I was reminded of this:
"they're not naked, but nude.
It was the art historian Kenneth Clark who claimed there is a difference. A naked human body is exposed, vulnerable, embarrassing, he wrote in his 1956 book The Nude. "The word 'nude', on the other hand, carries, in educated usage, no uncomfortable overtone. The vague image it projects into the mind is not of a huddled and defenceless body, but of a balanced, prosperous and confident body ... "
I think that people have lost sight of the difference between nakedness and nudity.
Geez, a donkey that doesn't want to be recognised? Something interesting is gonna happen here...
I really must say I liked this movie quite a bit. The nudity in it was tasteful, without doubt. Granted at points I felt like it was enough with the nudity only to be followed by more. I feel the story could of minimized the nudity for example an additional 20% and still make the point, but I'm not the writer or director therefore I can't discredit the film for my simple opinion. Get past the nudity, and enjoy the flick I say. You'll appreciate more in life by taking in great points and examples of beauty and love. Plus, I loved the main character's narration, great quotes!
The world only promises so much...I'd rather see what demiurge has in store for us.
As a woman I didn't find the nudity offensive but I think the fact that they used only beautiful women with near perfect bodies was a bit ridiculous and offensive.
Well I suppose that's what the guy would be concentrating on. Of all the women that go through the supermarket, his imagination would present idealized versions of what they look like through his eyes.
When I'm out at the shops, I usually mentally stop time and undress the most beautiful ones there... and if there are none available, my mind makes it so.
Wonderful thing, that.
"I'm Jules Winnfield, I'm here to talk to you about the briefcase initiative"
It's not a particularly realistic movie in the first place, with the dream sequences, the fractured narrative, and the mental time stopping... thingie.
And taking place from an extreme first person perspective. I suppose it's hard to identify with the mindset of a teenager, working in a job he hates, just out of a relationship with his longtime girlfriend, and now infatuated with his coworker. in short, he's going to be sexually frustrated out of his mind, and with the conceit of stopping time, for sure the first thing would be to undress the neared beauties.
BUT. The thing about this is, he admires them for their beauty, with the clinical view of an artist. A different character would've been making the rapey eyes from moment one. The power trip, so to speak. This guy doesn't.
Tying that in with the backstory of past loves and sexual awakening, he becomes a more sympathetic character. As for only having model like actresses, from my perspective that's just good fanservice that also serves the character at hand.
"I'm Jules Winnfield, I'm here to talk to you about the briefcase initiative"
Since when does Queen Latifah hate skinny girls? I found the fact that he chose only very skinny and beautiful women a subject of art and beauty to be if nothing else a character flaw. Art is about finding beauty in everything, not just in society's standard of beauty. I found it offensive that the director chose to portray "beauty" as only thin, tall, attractive women. As if women who are overweight or not perfect are not beautiful.
"Since when does Queen Latifah hate skinny girls? "
well, she seems to be at the epicenter of this "big is beautiful" thing.
Anyway, I already went over this in more detail on another thread, but no, I don't find overweight women physically beautiful. Painting is a visual medium. You can't express a persons amazing personalty in a painting (at least not very well). So it makes sense to go for physical beauty.
--------------------------------------------------------------- -Well, he's probably gonna get killed.
-Good, I hope he does get killed. **** him. I don't care.
_________________________________________ I found the fact that he chose only very skinny and beautiful women a subject of art and beauty to be if nothing else a character flaw. _________________________________________
I think you need to watch it again or have very different standards from the norm if you think he chose "only very skinny" women. These women looked for the most part 100% very healthy and indeed, beautiful. Not "very skinny".
_________________________________________ Art is about finding beauty in everything, not just in society's standard of beauty. _________________________________________
That's ONE definition of art. Not THE definition ;)
Even if we go with this, you should know absolutely NO artist can fin beauty in EVERYTHING, ALL THE TIME. That's why different artists specialize in different forms of arts and then many specialize further covering certain topics, working with a specific palette.
_________________________________________ I found it offensive that the director chose to portray "beauty" as only thin, tall, attractive women. As if women who are overweight or not perfect are not beautiful. _________________________________________
Careful, you're switching between the character and the director, here ;)
One of the aspects that fascinated me the most in the film is that Ben's romantic interest in the film, Sharon (Emilia Fox) might be pretty but she's definitely a "girl next door" type. I like Emilia Fox but she has never been mistaken for an idealized incarnation of modern beauty.
Anyways, I think that's a lot of nitpicking but to each his own. I found all the perfect bodies in Eyes Wide Shut a lot less realistic, given the context of the movie, than the selective fantasies of a teenager working in a supermarket. And yet you gave Eyes Wide Shut a 10.
Sigh. I see nothing offensive about this movie period. I mean, Im a woman and would much rather see perfect naked women than ugly ones. Is there anyone here who would PREFER to see an ugly woman over a beautiful one? Lets be honest with eachother--I mean if you cant be honest on anonymous posting board where can you be honest? Also, the nudity was an artistic representation, not porn (thats such a stupid and overused PC term for showing a nipple). Double sigh. Who the **** cares what Latifah thinks? She's not even a D list celebrity. Certainly she has no right defining beauty when she looks like that. Why is it a character flaw for an artist to choose for his art only beautiful thin women? Its a FLAW to be attracted to beauty? So people are bad people who think certain people are ugly? People ARE ugly and its part of life.
"As if women who are overweight or not perfect are not beautiful."
and to him they're not: they're overweight. but with that being said, i thought that the woman he chose in one of the first scenes was very flat-chested. she would never have been in this film had it been made in the usa. i think all of those breasts were real. i believe that your demand that overweight women should have been featured simply demonstrates your own preference. reubens would have agreed with you, but its a personal sensibility. my husband and i both thought they chose very realistic looking women, though attractive ones, to be sure.
let's just agree that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. he was very into those frozen peas scattered across the aisle also. are you offended he wasn't more into oranges?
i hate that people are calling this porn. this is 2009, not the 1950s. we all have the internet. if i dont see full penetration from several different angles, its not porn.