Supernatural's original ending revealed by show boss
Do you like his version, or the one we got?
Do you like his version, or the one we got?
I'm currently watching the show on Netflix, and I'm up to the end of season 9. So I don't wanna' click on that link and get spoiled.
But I'll just say one comment - I heard the original ending for Supernatural was the end of season 5, when Sam falls into Hell and takes their half-brother / Michael with him. And honestly, that really did have the feel of the end of the series. I also think the show sorta peaked at the end of season 5, which supports the idea that they wanted the show to go out with a bang.
Sorry for spoiling you.
However, might I just add I think you are wrong about S5 ending. There have been some damned good seasons since and have really enjoyed them. It was the right time to end the show, and considering the virus they did a brilliant job. Each writer has their own adaptation of how they want it to end, and we got several chances to see those possibilities pan out. I preferred the ending of episode 20 the season ending not the series ending if I am totally honest, maybe some agree with me, and you.
Sounds like they didn't think before they started building the roadhouse. All they would have had to do was build it in the USA somewhere and you wouldn't have to worry about the fucked up Canadian quarantine rules.
shareJust as bad imo