Come in and say HI!

MovieChat has been open a while now, and I thought during our hiatus it would be nice to welcome 'NEWBIES' and have a thread dedicated to them.

So please come in if you are new and introduce yourself. Don't be shy, we are a lovely family! Say why you love the show, who your favourite character is, and a bit about yourself if you wish.

New Forum:


Hey, Bella, I'll start, though I'm not exactly a newbie. Posted on IMdB, though not as regular as many.

I really have no favorite character. I watch the show for the chemistry between the guys, Sam, Dean, Cas and Crowley. I stopped wrecking my brains about storylines years ago and watch the show because of the fun you can see the guys have while making it (though this season hasn't been the prime example). Like that episode when Dean and Crowley "break up" and you see Crowley in a bar, watching pictures of the two of them with "Hey there, lonely girl" in the background.


Earlier today I was thinking well IMDB 's forum is closed but why not try to find the alternative, and i'm here. Now we can have good things :)
I guess I like all the lore and the mythology about the show and also when its gruesome and funny at the same time .


Welcome both of you, lovely to see new faces and this community grow.


It's kinda cool that this is the most active forum on the website.


Is it, that is really interesting to know, even busier than Previously TV?


I only visited PTV, so I wouldn't know. But from what I've seen on the "Trending" section on the homepage, someone is always posting on this board.


Yeah, that's what I notice as well, we should be chuffed with ourselves for keeping this little board trending and up front. I like that little slider we didn't have that on IMDb. It's a good indication of where we are on the leader board.


My guess is this is the beginning. The site's only been up for a few months, but it has potential.


I've felt this for a while too. It's been slow, but I knew bit by bit things would take shape and they are. With one man doing all the work, he's done a brilliant job so far. There are a few little things I would love to have back, but am just being patient and biding my time. They will come. I love it here. It feels like the old place. I'm happy.


If you build it, they will come. 😀


and in too the corne we go!


Hi HI :-) i am Ruby, big fan of SPN but a bigger fan for Winona Ryder. Im glad that the SPN board is back in its old glory and i hope the Ryder board will have the same resurrecting. I already posted that i grew up with the boys and i have met some awsome people here on this board. Like you Bella X


Your awesome too Ruby, you are such a sweetie.


Hey Bella. Nice way to welcome the new comers


Thanks, used to do this on IMDb also other forums do something similar like an introduce yourself thread? Particularly through the summer when it's quite will be something to focus on.


Really? I visited so many boards that I never noticed. I thought only Buffy did that.


Not sure, as IMDb was the only board I went on. Just think its nice to see newbies post and give them a chance to say hi.


How long have you been a fan? I became a regular around season 4 or 5. Binged the first few and, from then on, haven't missed an episode.


Exactly the same I started watching mid-season 4. I was channel flicking in and out of it. I have a show-biz site I often look at and J2 were often on it with spoilers. So I thought might be worth looking into. By that season finale, I was hooked. Never looked back. I bought the DVD as I desperately wanted to see what happened to Dean. I still have a job to remember which episode I tuned into to watch all the way through having a good feeling it was After School Special. I adored Cas coming into that Barn, and the introduction of the Angles. I miss those badass angels like Zach and Uriel. I remember Jensen talking about the writers strike and how they thought season 5 was its last season, and they were all surprised it came back. So it was really touch and go we have it still today.

I love the boys so very much, as do we all. But their chemistry really did it for me and pulled me in hook line and sinker. I am still a huge fan of S4/5 and I also adore S2. I can never call it between the three.


I remember the 'Scary just got Sexy' ad campaign for the first season, but I remember mocking the concept at the time. Then I was flicking the through the channels one night and caught Devil's Trap. I think I saw it starting from the Meg exorcism and was drawn in by Dean (Jensen's acting). You have no idea how disappointed I was when I found out that was the season finale and would have to wait to find out what happened after the car accident until season 2. I've been watching ever since. I don't think I really started lurking on the IMDb boards until around season 5 though, so I'm a lot newer to the fandom than I am the show.


I didn't join IMDb until May 2011 so I almost reached my 6th birthday that was around S6 and I seem to remember lurking for about 2 years before I even dared post. I remember all the hype about the boy's weddings and thought before was I posting around that time or not. As the posts were so vivid in my mind. What impressed me at the time was how knowledgeable fans were which drew me into posting. I was similar to you Clue, that I was mocking the boys a bit too at the time thinking, na these boys are too pretty they can't act. Or something similar. I was proved so very wrong. And take back that statement, because they sure can.

Clue you turned into a brilliant finale though that car crash in S1 I bet no one saw that one coming. Have we had one as dramatic since? I do love SPN Finale's there is something very special about them.
