If Vibranium absorbs energy...
How can cap bounce it off objects?
shareHis shield is a mix of vibranium and adamantium and it doesn't absorb 100% of the energy.
But plotholium is probably the best answer.
I'm nitpicking for conversation, I love this movie, but Stark said it's "pure" Vibranium, or something equivalent...I think.
shareAt the time of this movie adamantium was something Marvel couldn't use since the rights belonged to Fox cause of it being apart of Wolverine's origin.
shareMy understanding has always been that the outer edge of the shield is adamantium, which allows it to bounce off of stuff. The real answer, however, is "comic book." Like, how does Spider-Man climb walls through gloves and boots? There are all sorts of things one must take for granted.
shareMostly it occurred to me last name get when I was watching it. Agent Carter had just shot at him, and the slugs just fall because of how it absorbs energy, and within minutes he's bouncing it around,lol. Still love it. I always assumed spidys grabby hairs were small enough to pass through fabric, but I get your point.
shareThe edges obviously aren't vibranium. What I wonder about is the boomerang effect for a disc.
shareYeah, Science Bitches!!! Seriously though, If you try and think like a Comic-Book-Scientist you would say that his shield stores and reflects energy in a way that Cap has figured out how to predict the angle of reflection based on shield rotation and energy angle of reflection.
This is kind of demonstrated with T'Challa's Shuri designed BP suit. The suit absorbs kinetic energy and the wearer has the ability and control to make it reflect that energy at his will and command. The suit acts like a big capacitator. Cap's shield does the same but under different conditions and it is almost instantaneous.
Energy reflection
Energy projection
Energy deflection
Depending on angles and types of energy. Winter Soldier used a grenade launcher that blasted Cap off of a bridge. Direct hit versus concussive force? Who knows? It doesn't obey the laws of Physics but some Science is definitely involved. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa543cXVZTY
”How can cap bounce it off objects?”
The shield meticulously follows the script.
shareIf this was science fiction, I would wonder and if I cared, I would make up an excuse (or go with the adamantium alloy business). BUT. This is fantasy like Kaiju, and Star Wars -- the absolute most you should hope for is consistency.
shareIt's actually super easy. Barely an inconvenience.