MovieChat Forums > The Closer (2005) Discussion > Contrived, Forced Commercial for Major C...

Contrived, Forced Commercial for Major Crimes....

I loved The Closer, but this is a "Major" disappointment.

Obviously, they were going to catch her nemesis, but did they really have to work-in the male teenage escort that will be co-starring in Major Crimes? His being an eye-witness in the murder case was not exactly an organic fIt. In fact, it felt extremely forced.

Brenda's relating to his working with "bad men" was also really contrived and hard to buy into.

Then, moments after violently attacking a civilian in a elevator of a police station (though satisfying to watch), she is offered a new job? SERIOUSLY??

Conveniently, this job will take her away for awhile but then will easily allow her to guest star on Major Crimes come season 2.

Really disappointing, sloppy story telling

on a side note: the camera work during the action sequences was Horrible, disorienting and appear extremely cheap

I love Sedgwick in this and think she deserves a better send off


"Brenda's relating to his working with "bad men" was also really contrived and hard to buy into."

I didn't find it contrived at all. I think it showed this new empathy that she finds herself feeling and this new self awareness she has since her mother's death.

I don't think the offer was the moment after. And I think DDA Hobbs knew that attack was coming. Otherwise, how would she know to show up at the morgue?

I do wish it'd been a longer episode.


I found the entire story for the finale a complete joke. The entire thing felt rushed and unplayed out like they didn't know how to exactly play the entire stroh character out, and Stroh breaking into her house seemed COMPLETELY out of character considering that he enjoyed taunting brenda. Although she got underneath his skin especially after the elevator attack it would have seemed more enjoyable for him to file a complaint after just winning a law suit against her. All in all a very weak finale.


I know a bit late. I have just watched the closer in a sort of marathon run over a few weeks.

I agree that the frustration may well have built up and that calculated attack was the only way forward.

Surely a charge of assault would have been on the cards. Surely Stroh could not have refused to participate and surely the evidence would have been the DNA proving that this EVIL commissionaire did cause the marks. AND surely it would have then been found to match the [illegally found DNA].

The suggestion that no one could have found anything because all evidence was cleaned up etc is hardly going to be used as a defence.

Not a fan of legal wriggling anyway and in my little world so may would be put away on [FORTRESS [movie] TYPE] islands. That would be a much better deterrent for quite few people than civilised??? prisons.

I don't believe any tale can stick to real facts when trying to excite ad entertain.
Again Sedgewick created a easy to watch wonderful character. Although enjoying Major Crimes her replacement is almost 'boring' in comparison.


I don't understand how no one seems to remember that Brenda explained her intentions with the DNA. Very clearly. She said that the DNA evidence would never see court. Hobbs was there to confirm that. Brenda explained that the intention was to use it so that they could make Stroh think that they had the evidence, which would "shake his cage" (her words) and probably pressure him into doing something stupid, allowing them to catch him in the act.

She had a plan, which wasn't illegal, and the plan worked. She never "lost control" while attacking him. It was the way she had to get his hair and blood so that it could be planted on the ski mask.


I don't understand how no one seems to remember that Brenda explained her intentions with the DNA. Very clearly. She said that the DNA evidence would never see court. Hobbs was there to confirm that. Brenda explained that the intention was to use it so that they could make Stroh think that they had the evidence, which would "shake his cage" (her words) and probably pressure him into doing something stupid, allowing them to catch him in the act.

She had a plan, which wasn't illegal, and the plan worked. She never "lost control" while attacking him. It was the way she had to get his hair and blood so that it could be planted on the ski mask.

I remember that. It was a set up between Brenda, Hobbs and her boss was on board with what they were doing and Hobbs mentioned in the hall outside of the ME's office that there was a job opening up and her boss was offering it to her.
