This was NOT a remake.

Okay, well it started out to be that way. But it ended up in a totally different category. That category being... well I don't know. But the only similarities this film has to the original BC is that it involves sorority girls, and a murderer. If you watch this film without involving the original, then it's actually pretty amazing. There hasn't been a horror film like this in a very long time. I know that Glen isn't happy with the final product, and that's understandable(after what happened after initial filming). But this film is picking up steam as the years go on. Just look at the DVD sales. This has a HUGE following! It evolved into something more than the original was, right after it was released into theaters. And people are showing their love for this film. This film isn't a remake gone horribly wrong. Black Christmas (2006) has it's own legs! It's an incredibly awkward and different story than has ever been told before. This movie has LEGS of it's own! The cinematography of this movie is incredible! It's the ONLY movie out there, that feels so much like Christmas, yet lives in a completely different category than most Christmas films. This film has amazing actresses that are well known, and I hope that this turns out to be the film they look back on, and while right now it might not be a highlight in their careers, but in the future, it WILL BE. Only time will tell..

I love this film and I think it definitely deserves more credit than it receives. And I think most TRUE HORROR fans agree.


And that the killers name is Billy. And that it happens on Christmas eve. And that the house mom is named Mrs. Mac. And that Billy calls and threatens the girls. And the presence of an "Agnes." And the fact Lauren is Barb 2.0. And the fact Lauren's death is like Barb's from the original.

Nope, not similar at all :/

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


yes. All valid points. :P



Also don't see how it's "something more than the original." Yeah, it's got something of a following, but the following is nowhere near as strong as that of the original AND it's nowhere near as important to the horror genre (Since the original influenced Halloween)

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


I do own the original and yes it has a huuuge following. It's really one of the first slasher films. I know this. "Something more than the original" in a way that it's a completely different film than the original!



It's not a completely different film for all the reasons I said. And a lot of its changes (The backstory) were for the worse

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


It's a bad movie, but I'm glad they did something different, so at least it's a bad movie that entertained me rather than just being an inferior imitation of the original, which it was obviously doomed to be from the start.


The film was terrible. The original was 10x better


no one really cares about the original that much. even if it is mentioned now it just barely gets any talk.

the original is very forgettable.

bad boys for life


no one really cares about the original that much. even if it is mentioned now it just barely gets any talk.

the original is very forgettable.
      

Without the original, slashers as we know them wouldn't exist. Period.

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


without the original The Fly, we wouldn't have the remake, which is MUCH Superior
without the original The Thing, we wouldn't have the remake, which is MUCH... MUCH superior.

so, yeah, sure, the original Thing and Fly were nice... yet what MOST people know and remember are the REMAKES. when you ask someone if they like The Fly, they will immediately assume you are talking about the remake one.

so yeah, there's that.


I didn't say coming first made it superior, I laughed at you calling the original irrelevant

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


Lol at your statement that Howard Hawkes ground breaking THE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD is inferior.


without the original The Fly, we wouldn't have the remake, which is MUCH Superior
without the original The Thing, we wouldn't have the remake, which is MUCH... MUCH superior.

so, yeah, sure, the original Thing and Fly were nice... yet what MOST people know and remember are the REMAKES. when you ask someone if they like The Fly, they will immediately assume you are talking about the remake one.

so yeah, there's that lol (Not all remakes are better, or even liked by people, but in some cases, the remakes are the ones that get the most notoriety


Without the original, slashers as we know them wouldn't exist. Period.

They might. Bay of Blood was a huge influence, TCM was being made, and proto-slasher Psycho had been around for a decade.


hah, got to be joking there mate. The original may have been one of the first ones, but in no way it defined the genre.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


much better than the other Black Christmas. way more interesting and i loved billy and agnes story. the sets sure make it feel like christmas


I think this is a more tolerable remake because it has simularities, but is not the same movie as the original.


Let's not forget the executive producer directed the original and it was co written by the original screenplay writer. Could folks really stop with trying to convince others that something isn't what it is when you had no input in said movie? Its a remake all your theories won't change that at all.


and it was co written by the original screenplay writer.

Roy Moore had nothing to do with this film. His credit is "based on a screenplay".

Its a remake all your theories won't change that at all.

Slight rewrite it could've passed for a sequel.


This movie is terrible compared to the original. I really wish Hollywood would stop remaking classic movies. The original was very suspenseful and creepy where as this one had no suspense at all. Just more gore. IMO gore does not equal horror. Three other movies come to mind in the failed remake category. The Amityville Horror, Evil Dead and the God awful Nightmare on Elm Street.

I freely admit my bias towards older movies because I grew up in the 70's. Those movies had suspense and excellent performances from the actors/actresses. Roberts Blossom's performance in Deranged (1974) still gives me the chills to this day.


I just think of this as a dumbed down version of the first. Its a fun, bloody slasher, while the original was a creepy, suspenseful horror film. I love them both :)


You're right it's not a "remake." This is what you would call a loose remake.


I consider this a remake and a darn good one. Sure it has it's problems, but I feel like if you're going to remake something, don't just take the original and rehash it, make it your own. And they definitely did with this film.


Critically, remakes of popular movies are never going to do that well. If you make it too similar to the original people are going to wonder why you bothered making an almost identical movie. If you make it completely different people are going to moan that it's nothing like the original movie they loved.

The reason they do it is because they know that people are going to pay to see the movie anyway. It's film makers chasing easy money. They don't care if people are paying money to moan about the film, as long as they pay the money.

If you don't care about critical acclaim for your movie, it's seen as low risk film making.


Critically, remakes of popular movies are never going to do that well. If you make it too similar to the original people are going to wonder why you bothered making an almost identical movie. If you make it completely different people are going to moan that it's nothing like the original movie they loved.
Dawn of the Dead's remake was completely different and well received. You're right that no remakes ever win by cloning, but you CAN win by changing things up and making a genuinely good movie.

Death Awaits (Horror forum)
