Funniest scene?

So, those who actually liked this flick, what was the funniest scene?

For me it was when they dropped Cassie's friend home and when she was in front of the car Robin Williams gave a small "SKID" followed by a "Don't!"

That was hilarious.
You people voted for Hubert Humphrey and you killed Jesus!- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


That was also my favorite part...



I like when he is trying to pull out of the driveway
and also when they are all singing different songs in the car and it sounds soo bad



yeah my favourite ones were droping off cassies friend and bob goes to go and jamie says "Dont" haha and when they are all singing and Cassie goes "Help ya and grab ya til your sore!!" and then bob just looks at her haha




"...wind it up BLOW IT OUT! GTO. Waa waaaa waaaaa..."

Best scene ever.


"You! Cake or death!"
"Cake please."
"Very well...give him cake."


next to the "south bitch diet" the funniest thing is "Some idiot just pulled up in an RV. OH MY GOD IT"S YOUR HUSBAND!"

Also, everything Kisten Chenoweth says is hilarious!!!


"Whenever I see a white man grab a banjo, my cheeks tighten"

"For in dreams we can climb the highest mountain or swim the deepest seas"


Attempting a K-turn on a narrow lane with a 40' RV.
Now, THAT's funny.

Remember: no matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai


There were some pretty funny scenes in this movie but my favorite lines were when Bob and his family were at that party at the beginning and there talkin to the 2 other guys that work with him. Then there all talkin about that Laird guy then one of the other guys says "were planning on killing him" then the other ones like "yeah you in?" i always thought that was hilarious


Okay, a lot of the posters here seem to be recalling funny LINES from the movie. For my money, the best and funniest SCENE is when Robin Williams attempts to travel the narrow mountain road (Diablo Drive?) in his huge RV... and it gets stuck on a high rock formation, with the front end and the rear end dangling over the edge.

No words in this scene. None are needed. Williams' attempts to rock the huge bus so that it will roll forward and back onto the road are laugh-out-loud hilarious. Sorry you guys didn't catch that scene. It is filmed in full wide screen, so that you're sure to grasp the huge task facing the hapless Williams.

The dangling bus-over-a-cliff reminded me of the teetering cabin in Charlie Chaplin's masterpiece The Gold Rush (1925). RV isn't as funny as that movie was, but the laughs are still plentiful.

And the final scene, with the two families (Munros and Gornickes) combining on an ensemble rendition of "Route 66," blew me away. It was great.


English subtitles are a MUST on all DVD releases!


When Robin Williams Character walks into the lake & emerges on the bike! Or when he sez I have some good news and JoJo's Character sharply replies with "I'm Adopted"!


The funniest scene/quote

"WAWAAAA WAWA **deep voice** yeahhhhhhhhhhh"



Same here! I loooove the Gornickes!

We're goin to steak night we're gunna eat it right steak is such a treat it is the worlds BEST MEAT


I liked when they finally get to Mount Watson and Robin Williams says:

My dad was so moved by this place he said, 'You know a snack stand up here would do wonders.'

My mom (always supportive) said, 'An who's gonna run it Alan, YOU?'

My dad, 'Why don't you blow it out your saggy rear end, Hellen.'

I also like the scene where he is dumping the septic tank and the idiot that is trying to help him says,

Idiot: "We need some of them tortiLa chips."
Woman: "I'll bring the music!"
Robin Williams: "Oh no, you don't need to have a parade or something."
Somebody else: "I got some chips and salsa!"
Idiot: "Bring Em!"

Call me stupid, but I think this movie is hilarious. Although I liked it better the second time I watched it. By then I got over the cheesiness of it.
