I liked when they finally get to Mount Watson and Robin Williams says:
My dad was so moved by this place he said, 'You know a snack stand up here would do wonders.'
My mom (always supportive) said, 'An who's gonna run it Alan, YOU?'
My dad, 'Why don't you blow it out your saggy rear end, Hellen.'
I also like the scene where he is dumping the septic tank and the idiot that is trying to help him says,
Idiot: "We need some of them tortiLa chips."
Woman: "I'll bring the music!"
Robin Williams: "Oh no, you don't need to have a parade or something."
Somebody else: "I got some chips and salsa!"
Idiot: "Bring Em!"
Call me stupid, but I think this movie is hilarious. Although I liked it better the second time I watched it. By then I got over the cheesiness of it.