Worst movie ever?
I think so.
shareI won't say it was the worst movie ever (Independence Day ranks a solid #1), but it was written for the REAL, REAL simple to enjoy. If you've not watched TV or sitcoms or any other movie in hte past 30 years, you'll find this movie refreshing and original. If you haven't seen this movie done about a thousand times before (older father loses touch with his family and sets out on a trip to unite them with calamity at every turn...only to find that his family can come together and the true meaning of family is love), you have really got to get out more often. I won't criticize the movie for it's potty jokes or lack of insightful humor, but I will pan it for it's 100% lack of any originality. Especially the last 15 minutes which were a cookie-cutter version of any "life-realization" moment, with our hero delivering a speech to his business colleagues (and, of course, his money-only-minded boss) where he chastises them for being all about business and nnot LOVE and family.....puke-inducing, patronizing, and done before to exhaustion. Guess what? He ends up quitting his job, but the other guys in attendance from the other company want to hire him on the spot for sharing their vision of a world where business doesn't do business....it makes love grow. I have to go toss my cookies now.
shareBad movie. I never smiled or laughed during this entire bad experience. You'd think with Robin Williams in the lead, we'd have some belly laughs. Instead all we get is trite, banal and the same old hackneyed theme that dad cannot do anything right and is just the family clown. How sad.
sharehah, well I would cast my vote for either Moon Over Parador (only movie I ever fell asleep during in the theatre) or The Big Blue.
but this was really, really bad, yes.
If you think this is the worst movie ever, you haven't seen Phantom Raiders. lol.
Look, RV isn't a great movie - it isn't a thinker's movie. A lot of the humor is bathroom humor which I find particularly unfunny anyway. Many of the scenarios come across as contrived and cliched.
But even so, it's a decent piece of fluff when one is brain-weary and wants some pure escapism. It holds the story concept well which increases believeability. And if you look at it more as a tongue-in-cheek piece, then it does a good job.
We got as far as the part where he gets sprayed with sewage and gave up