the part where the 3 wiggers come up. and then the dad starts talking like a dumbass.dats racist
sharethe part where the 3 wiggers come up. and then the dad starts talking like a dumbass.dats racist
shareThat was not racist but it was funny. Take it for what it was - a simple family movie. Anyone who thought that was racist and actually took the time to post it here is either a moron, someone who wanted to post a moronic 'its racist' stupid post to waste our time in replying to your stupidity (which you succeeded, or a moron.
So spin on it your smeghead!
it was racist ya dumb *beep*
Stop fighting!
That scene was not racist. What is racist about it? To talk the way black people talk is racist? What is offensive about it? Now all impersonators are racist? Get a life...
You're racist for trying to point out ambiguous *beep* and calling it racist. The guys he was talking to were white...so explain to me how that is racist.
shareHow was that racist? Unless you are portraying the ebonics stereotype that only uneducated blacks speak in that manner... in which case you would be the racist. Hmm.
What it was was an insult to all the suburban kids that try to act like they are gangstas from the hood.
shareI didn't exactly hear anything racist, thses guys were just tryin' to be funny. What is with you people and having a thread about something racism in almost every freakin' board? I mean, get a life people!
it's all fun and games until flying monkeys attack
Look up the definition of racist.
Using a stereotype does not a racist make.
Remember: no matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
how is that racist? it's not like they were insulting any race! i hate it that in every movie board some dumb ass has to make a post saying that some stupid little thing in a movie is racist. They were making fun of the white guys because they act stupid like that..it's not like they were making fun of black people, or hispanic people, the actors are white....get some glasses.
seriously is everyone this paranoid?
Looks like someone needs to look up the word "racist" before using it (cough, cough...Dancuy...cough, cough).
why is it on every single movie, tv theres a post about it about being racist
and why do black people have to be portrayed as ghetto and stuff. And when white people start to act ghetto then their acting black
thats so retarded and annoying
Stop hating on Miley
You're the racist for making assumptions that is borne from hatred or borne from a particular race. Perhaps you should find friends of other races and learn better grammar.
sharethis is funny. Are you from england or australia? You talk about learn better grammar but you can't even spell born. Nobody spells born as "borne" dumbass
it's a freaking movie for $#!$% sake!
Pick up a dictionary. You might learn something. And by the way, don't be so nitpicky. You'd rather pick on some tangential quirk in my spelling, rather than intellectually respond to my point. I could say you need to learn grammar too, as your sentence should have read:
"This is funny-" (capitalize the 't' next time)"-Are you from England or Australia?" (capitalize names of proper places. Your 'e' and 'a' should have been capitalized). "You talk about learnING better grammar,-" (learn to conjugate verbs! It's "learning", not "learn". A comma is needed after the word "grammar")"Nobody spells born as "borne", dumbass." (Learn punctuation! A comma is needed after "borne", and use a period to end a sentence!)
See! Two can play at this game. In your four-sentence pointless retort, you had seven errors! Seven! Wow, flunkie! Maybe you should sign up for English classes along with me and the original poster! (Though, I'd get the higher mark because "borne" is a word, and I know to capitilize names of countries (:.)
lol wow you spent this time because I commented on your "borne"? As you can see, I was being sarcastic and pointed out your mistake since you pointed out his mistake first. I'm just playing your game buddy.
Oh sure, let's sign up and I bet you'll get the higher mark but you're still a loser. Go eat more hotpockets
it's a freaking movie for $#!$% sake!
It was funny, and I enjoy sarcasm (and use it as well, can't you tell?). But, your response lost its humor the moment you called me a "dumb@ass". That's not being funny or sarcastic, that was an attack for just stating my thoughts--in my opinion, anyway.
The OP's lack of command or respect for the English language potentially invalidates his credibility for his claim about that scene being "racist". No, you don't have to be a scholar to have a credible opinion; but you at least should back it up with a reason or two.
What I find frustating is you'd rather call me the name, than positively contribute to the intent of this thread. You're choosing to take issue with my comment and not the OP's. If you disagree with me, fine--but I don't feel that the name calling was necessary.
But, yes, I ought to lighten up. If you were truly just being sarcastic, then I need to learn to the take a joke better and laugh it off. So, there, I get the higher marks in English, you get the higher marks in sarcasm. BTW, I hate hotpockets because the very first one I ever ate, I thought it was going to be filled with fruit--like a Hostess cherry pie or something--I was rudely awakened when I bit into sausage and cheese! I met you're jealous though that I'm able to eat them, though. After all, you probably have already lost all your teeth ;-)
it's the internet. Who cares if someone calls you a name. Nobody knows you.
it's a freaking movie for $#!$% sake!
Then how did you know I was about to eat another hotpocket?
scared? I'm actually your neighbor; therefore, when I said that nobody knows you.hehe
it's a freaking movie for $#!$% sake!
I don 't see how that was racist in any way whatsoever. I think it was meant to be comical. Certainly not racist.
~To find yourself, think for yourself~