Worst movie I've ever seen.

I know this may sound like a cliche post but honestly this is the only movie I have EVER switched off. I watched half hour of this and couldn't carry on.
I'm from the UK and I got a limited edition 2 disc DVD with a book. If anyone wants this I will honestly send it to them free of charge because it's such a good disc and I don't want to see it go to waste for anyone that actually enjoys it.
I was really looking forward to seeing this, it is actually my kind of movie but I really hated it.
Let me know if you want it and I'll send it free to anyone that would appreciate it.


To bad I'm from the US I'd take you up on that offer. Having family in the UK I know how much shipping costs.

I did see a one-disc Blu-Ray at a Fred's (a small discount franchise store in certain parts of the states) for $5.99 (I'm still thinking about going back and getting it).


Then you're an idiot.

Honestly,if you don't like this movie, I really question your taste and your attention span.


What makes it a cliché is not giving a single reason why you didn't like it.


This wasn't a review, I was just saying I didn't like it and I know it's popular on here so I would send it to someone that would appreciate it rather than throw it away. You know there are some people that don't like the Godfather or Mullholland Drive, right? I know shocking!!!



Yes and those people are called philistines.

Check out my profile, proceed at own risk.


I gave this movie to a friend to watch and he also turned it off after 20 minutes. I can see why because it is a really, well let's say, laidback film. One could say slow but I say laidback because it's one of those movies you watch and enjoy the pace of it. If you're one of those types of people who need things to constantly happen to keep your brain engaged, then you wouldn't like this type of movie that you FEEL rather than be entertained by. I watched a movie just last night that I liked but the first 45 minutes was literally a guy slowly checking into a hotel while doing all the mundane tasks involved in it, like talking to the receptionist about your details, ordering room service, tipping the chauffeur etc. But I ended up not minding the film


I love the movie but sadly in the US as well. Hope you try it again. I think it is a movie that keeps slowly pulling you in.


Troll attention bait


To each his own. I watched this movie again last night on a DVD I own, then this morning I ordered a Blu-Ray version because I want to get the best picture and sound possible.


You watched 30 minutes of an almost 3 hour movie and pass judgement? That wasn't even enough time for anything to develop. You fail.


Yes, you have to stay with this film. I too wanted to bolt---it finishes well.

The train car interior scene is outstanding. Shows his victims in dusty light.
The shot of his wife at the posting of her husband's remains|on ice is incredible.
Post "Assassination" is where this film rises up. We >learn< here. It's the payoff for what has come before it.


This has got to be one of the most boring movies I've ever seen! Like the OP, I made it through about 45 minutes or so, and that felt like torture. I probably would have offed myself if I was subjected to 3 hours of this hell!


It's not a proper Western. More of an art film. I made it through to the end but suffered greatly.
