MovieChat Forums > Slither (2006) Discussion > This movie was disgusting.

This movie was disgusting.

I got a terrible stomach ache and wanted to vomit after watching up to the red-haired girl becoming the size of a *beep* bus.
I turned around and went to sleep.
I will never watch the rest of this movie..or the beginning again.
I know, I know..I sound like a five-year old.
I probably shouldn't watch horror/gore movies.
But there's only been one other movie to do this.
And that was Cabin Fever..
also never watching that again.
I just had to say that.

I hate the stupid kids that came from
Grow a brain.


I'm sorry, I stopped reading your post after the 3rd line. I'll never read the rest of it or the 1st part ever again. It reminded me of Iaulds post and that makes my brain hurt!



And yet the stale, wooden acting in Degrassi doesn't make you want to vomit? How queer.

That rug really tied the room together.


Stale, wooden acting of degrassi LOL
That is so true ha ha


re: Stale, wooden acting

As opposed to FRESH, wooden acting~?


Almost as 'queer' and checking somebody's posting history in order to reply to their comment. Sit down

They calls me KGSoloMan5000..


yeah, it's better to make uninformed statements about people...


Ah, ignore these guys, I actually got physically sick from watching this movie too. It wasn't because of the girl though. I thought that was funny. I was the worms wiggling into people's mouths. I don't know why, either, that's just so nasty to me, I felt like puking, hahaha. I just kept thinking about the banana slug and how it gets stuck in predators mouths by secreting all that gooey stuff. Blagh D:.

I still sat through it, and would watch this movie again and again, though. I love the comedy in it, and the horrible thing we watch grant turn into. Very lovecraftian. Tentacle monsters for the win.

If the band you're in starts playing different tunes, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon...


More cushion for the pushing!


Gunn directed was Of the grossest vilest unfunny movies Of that year.


Didn't the girl get big because of the worms? Nothing bothered me in this but I just wish it made more money so there could've been a sequel.


That's the whole point you nitwit.



You say that like it's a bad thing!! :D


You have to see Feast too...hahahah
(this movie not was so gore dude...)
and talking about the quality of this movie, i´ll admit that it surprised me when i saw this coz firstly i thought that it´d 1 s**t!


I'll defend Degrassi until I fall to my knees and die.
Shut the *beep* bad I had a weak stomach when it came to this movie.

I hate the stupid kids that came from
Grow a brain.



I won't ever watch this movie. The poster makes me want to curl up in a ball and die.


Calling me a pussy doesn't exactly affect me..
But yeah, *beep* you. :D

I hate the stupid kids that came from
Grow a brain.



Thanks :)

I hate the stupid kids that came from
Grow a brain.


It was a horror flick called 'Slither'. And knowing how graphic they've become, pretty obvious it would have some disgusting scenes. Grow a brain indeed.


Bsy, exactly. All films are not pertaining to happy kittens. If one really has problems with graphic scenes, then maybe one should pay attention to ratings (OMG!!!! They have a purpose!), or trailers.


Ok, first off, the FACT that you're defending Degrassi is just PATHETIC. Second, you wouldn't know a good movie if it punched you in the face and kicked you off a building. This movie was pure entertainment at its best

"Move your car, *beep*



You're having a go at this film and Cabin Fever? You really must be a child as you say.

Try and watch Cannibal Holocaust or The Thing, they are so much less gory than this film.


this movie has something from everything, gory, comic, scary, thriller... and in the end, it fails somehow :)


OP, ignore some of these assh-les. This movie WAS disgusting. It doesn't matter whether it isn't as gory or gross as other movies, it's still disgusting. (Not saying it's bad) And yes, I've seen Hostel and Saw.

Intolerance breeds Ignorance
RIP Heath



Seriously, Stan Winston died yesterday, he had a much more prolific career than Ledger could ever hope for (even though I'm still one of the many geeks eager to see him portray the joker). Let's give it up for Stan the Man.

That rug really tied the room together.


"Let's give it up for Stan the Man."

Zed, what does Stan Lee have to do with any of this?

Just kidding, when I read about Stans death I teared up. He'll be sorely missed.


Damn, enough already. The dumb ass offed himself with sleeping pills.

I'm sorry, was that some sort of insult directed toward me? Trying to get a rise out of me by insulting a dead guy simply because you got mad at my view of the film? How mature of you. Jackass.

And this movie WAS disgusting. I still enjoyed it. But by general standards it's still gross. I don't care if you don't think so. Take the general American to this film So take the sand out of your vagina and get over it instead of coming with a pity excuse of a comeback like insulting someone that died like you had just done. Have some respect unless you're too inconsiderate or too immature to.
Stan Winston died yesterday, he had a much more prolific career than Ledger could ever hope for

Just maybe perhaps because Stan is much older than Ledger?
Intolerance breeds Ignorance
RIP Heath



Well, back to the topic: This is the only movie that has ever managed to make me gag, and that is quite an accomplishment considering the fact that I seek out ridiculously gory movies. It was the scene where Brenda exploded that did it. I love this movie for its gross-out factor and for the wonderful comedy in it!

"Also, I can kill you with my brain." - River Tam


Can't help but agree - this movie is f^cking stupid and disgusting. Hardly anything good about it.


If I made a horror film that made people sick I'd feel like I had done my job well.


This movie is what horror fans have been missing since the 80's. Thanks!!!


Ahhhh... delightfully gross movie. 8/10.

On an egocentric sidenote, this is the 1,000th movie I've rated on IMDb.


I am a horror-movie fan who likes hardcore gore, but this movie was atrocious. It was repulsive, stupid, monstrously unpleasant, even moreso than the usual horror movie. To the person asking why it underperformed at the box office, IT'S A HORRIBLE MOVIE!!!!!!!!!! That's just my opinion, so if you insist on telling me I'm dumb and have crappy taste in movies..... spare me.


I respect your opinion.
Almost as much as I respect YO FACE!!
Which I haven't actually seen and doubt it's that unpleasant.

Double fake out. How bout that?

I love slither, to me it was fun and a cheesy good time. Compared to what "passes" for horror these days. *cough* Saw *cough*

Ah, what the hell, Saw sucks.


Hey, don't diss Saw. It's one of the best unintentional comedies in years.
