MovieChat Forums > Terminator Salvation (2009) Discussion > Remember when Arnold said Salvation suck...

Remember when Arnold said Salvation sucked?

I guess he's eating those words now.


Remember when Arnold said he wouldn't support Trump and then when Trump got elected, immediately started kissing his ass?

Moral of the story: Arnold kinda sucks.

'Remember when' is the lowest form of conversation. - Tony Soprano


Don't recall that. I remember him seeing it with his kids, and being disappointed when his kids said it was the best of the series.


Arnie still insists T6 is happening. He might be a bit senile these days.

Get on the scale son! Get off the scale.


"Screw your freedom!".....yeah, VERY senile.


He really triggered all the "FEREEDUMMMM!!!" types with that always-taken-out-of-context phrase didnt he?

Its like he shit on the flag or something .

when he was actually making a perfectly valid point that diseased plague victims do not have some sort of inalienable right to pass it on to others .
Just like you dont have the freedum to drive yor car drunk .
There ARE , believe it or not , things you are not free to do.


moviechatterer What was taken out of context? What he said was pretty clear and straight forward, there's no taking it "out of context". He said what he said and now he has to deal with the repercussions.... that's how it works in the real world, buddy. "It's like he shit on the flag"....he pretty much did lol. No, he was not "making a perfectly valid point", he's being a fascist brainwashed woke asshole who wants to push this "vax" bullshit propaganda on everyone else who choose not to obey it like a sheep. "diseased plague victims"....LOL, oh please don't be so dramatic, this isn't 12 Monkeys and we're not living in a movie. Go outside in public for a minute and look around you..... you'll notice everyone is fine and nobody is dropping dead from the fictional Boogeyman. Quit watching MSM and think for yourself. 99% survival rate, yeah it's a real "plague" alright lol and yet not a single strand of the Boogeyman has ever been isolated... not one proof of it. You should realize by now the whole thing was a hoax and a fairy tale and you fell for it, more people are dying from the jab than the actual "plague" that it claims to protect us from.... you're being duped including Arnie and you think I'm going to let some rich, washed up over the hill action star tell me what to do with my body? Think again! What a joke. "do not have some sort of inalienable right"....uh, yes we do it's called the United States Constitution and not only that we have natural born sovereign rights from God Himself, no one can tell you or force you to take an experimental (it never went through proper texting like all vaxes are supposed to do by law) jab that could harm or kill you... no one! This is the USA, not Nazi Germany. If you don't like that people have Civil Rights in this country then you can get the fuck out and live somewhere else where you have no freedom. It's simple as that. What Arnold said was very Communist and agenda driven, there's no way around it.... he's lost his mind.


moviechatterer Yeah, you do have the freedom to drive drunk but there's consequences for it like a DUI but still, nobody can really stop you from getting in your car and driving drunk.... that person still has free will. Forcing a vax on someone just because you're paranoid of getting sick is not free will, buddy. It's Nazi shit, plain and simple. You need to check yourself. "There ARE, believe it or not, things you are not free to do"..... uh, no and you have no authority whatsoever to decide any of that for anybody. You sound like an authoritarian bootlicker who wants to tell the world what to do, well let me give you some advice for that: GO LIVE SOMEWHERE ELSE THAT SUPPORTS YOUR VIEWS. Let me ask you this, are you a Liberal or something? If so, you've lost all credibility (like you had any to begin with).


"but there's consequences for it like a DUI "
no , theres consequences like other innocent civilians get killed . How is that ok?

Hence its against the "law" . look up 'law'
You are not free to things that are against the law.

Just because you *can* physically things that are against the law - like , say , murder 20 kids in a school ,
does not mean you are exercising your "freedom"


"are you a Liberal or something?"

also , ironically "Liberal " philosophy is closer to the freedom you seem to want.
Liberal , in its original form , means "liberty to do things as long as you dont hurt others"
The clues in the name.
"liberal" = "liberty"
Whereas "right wing" is a much more authoritarion philosophy.

Although I do realise there is zero chance of convincing you on that point because in the twisted brainwashed worlds of US political extremism "Liberal" has come to mean "dirty commie baby killing pedo criminal scumbag" in the eyes of Republicans , so i'm, not going to try to convince you otherwise


Your description in your final paragraph is shockingly accurate, though I might reserve it instead for "Leftists" and "Democrats." There are some that I know who identify themselves as "liberals" who by today's standards are basically centrist conservatives.

All that said, regarding Covid, it seems obvious now that those in authority have used the fear of the disease--which for the vast majority of people is no worse than the flu, if there are any symptoms at all--and used that fear to control the population. And the vax is a hoax used to enrich pharmaceutical companies and politicians who are getting kickbacks--excuse me, lobbying funds.

LOL at the "vaccine" that does not actually prevent you from getting the thing it's supposed to protect you against. I feel pity for the people who mindlessly have gone along with the whole thing and allowed themselves to be injected, boosted, double boosted and triple boosted with an experimental drug that does little more than line the pockets of Big Pharma executives, and just might carry with it significant side effects that the recipient never asked for.


He lied
