The scene during the credits (SPOILERS)

Most of you are taking this as a hilarious horror/comedy. I thought the movie, despite taking the best horror clichés & spinning them on their ear, took itself somewhat serious to the rules of "real life".

And yet after getting his head squashed by an apple crusher (or whatever it was) & getting burned (while assumed dead) Leslie comes back to life?!?!?

Sorry, but in some of the classic slashers it referenced (Halloween, Nightmare On Elm Street) the "killer is still alive" ending worked for it...but not for Leslie Vernon.

I'm open to argument here.

Leslie Vernon: 6/10
[REC]: 9/10
Eagle Eye: 6/10


And you're saying this after Eugene was buried alive for three days because...?

All slasher flicks ask us to suspend disbelief except for Thomas Harris types imho.

"Never miss a good chance to shut up."
Will Rogers
