The scene during the credits (SPOILERS)

Most of you are taking this as a hilarious horror/comedy. I thought the movie, despite taking the best horror clichés & spinning them on their ear, took itself somewhat serious to the rules of "real life".

And yet after getting his head squashed by an apple crusher (or whatever it was) & getting burned (while assumed dead) Leslie comes back to life?!?!?

Sorry, but in some of the classic slashers it referenced (Halloween, Nightmare On Elm Street) the "killer is still alive" ending worked for it...but not for Leslie Vernon.

I'm open to argument here.

Leslie Vernon: 6/10
[REC]: 9/10
Eagle Eye: 6/10


It was not a shock
by any means
but it was a way 2 have a Pt2

I gotta wonder if they will be able 2 get any of the peeps BAC 4 part 2

The Rules thing did not werk 4 me because if he was rilly setting "the vargin" up he needed 2 have a lot more twists

fun though

Servadoo Twelfths Billabong Mooch


I thought the ending was wholly appropriate. It was the last box to tick. The showing of it I saw, that scene got a big cheer. Everyone knew it was coming and it was just perfect when it did.


U should see
"Children shouldn't play with dead things"

not 2 spoil it 4 U

but when

he sits up

that is rilly rilly mooooooving
I was moved

Servadoo Twelfths Billabong Mooch


The movie was never really that stringent about "real life" rules. After all, the movie operates under the narrative conceit that Jason, Freddy, and Michael Meyers are all real.

If a killer had ressurected in one of the Scream movies, that would have been breaking the rules they set for themselves.


Realistic explanation:

Since Leslie planned everything to the small details, he knew Taylor will follow the plan, and he also manipulated her, by the way he fell on the floor, to put him in the Apple Cider Maker. In preparation scene he actually shows it to her. So it was not a problem for him to "fix" the apple crusher the way he wanted, so it will not cause any serious harm to him.

When she started the fire he was inside, but he was covered with that blue cream he used before, it could be something that can help him to prevent fire damage. He also probably escaped the fire and waited for things to calm down and then went back inside and slowed his heart to look dead. Or he could just stayed inside all the time, but covered with something.

As he mentioned in the beginning, he read many books on magic and ways of escape. From what we saw in the movie we can assume that he is very good at it.

Now, although you are looking for realistic explanation, this movie is not all about realism. It uses it to make supernatural more acceptable. I didn't see any contradiction to classic slashers and the morgue scene worked just fine.


Agree 100%


Seriously, he planned the whole thing to a freking -T-. He knew what she was going to do, and he even told her how to do it. And when he was applying that cream on his face he even said it was mixed with a cocktail of flame retardents. So he fixed the apple crusher, and was not seriously harmed by the fire. He knew many escape tatics, and how to appear dead...The ending was perfectly in tune. Great movie all around.

"Talking is overrated as a means of resolving disputes."


That scene creeped me out... what happened to the guy who worked at the morgue?

If Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer, so can Mr. T... all he has to do is punch Chuck Norris.


The movie stopped working way before that end scene. It stopped working once it's lost it's balls and dropped the commentary/comedic aspects out of the blue for the sake of being 'politicially correct' (once the crew interferred was the turning point when this movie turned to garbage).


You have no idea what "politically correct" means, do you?


I was JUST going to ask that same question!

"I kept it in a cage,
watched it weeping but I made it stay"


I'm sorry, but I'm still surprised that some people didn't get the end to this movie. Everything is explained up to that point about what will happen.

- Leslie rigs everything to happen for a reason and to aid his job.
- He talks about magic and slight of hand half the film.
- His mentor demonstrates "slowing his heart and appearing dead."
- He openly says his cream is mixed with flame retardents.

Is it really that hard to understand what happened at the end?

And yeah, what happened to the guy at the morgue? :)

HINT: It didn't end well for him.


Everything he says to Taylor is dropping subliminal messages that she would do later, it's kinda obvious that he'd rig the cider press, everything went exactly according to his plan.


the name of the movie explains the end, The "Rise" Of Leslie Vernon. I thought the movie was a great dark comedy, I loved the reference to Jason, Michael, and Freddie.


There's an easter egg on the DVD that shows how he rigged the cider machine. This movie was awesome. I liked how he showed himself working out and explained how he could run while appearing to walk. great stuff


The fact that he succeeded in everything he wanted conferred the "unkillable" on him.
