Season teaser

WTF is with resetting the season to 1?


Clearly cutting ties completely with what the show was. It's a full blown re-reboot. Likely plan on playing free and loose with established cannnon.


In what way? The trailer looked very typical of the show to me. I didn't see a single thing in there to suggest a major departure from established cannon (whatever that even means in the context of Doctor Who). What did you spot that I missed?


Oh, it looked like formula show for sure. But we're not selling comic books here. There can't possibly be appeal to luring in new fans by a relaunch of number 1. Unless the the female led years left such a bad taste in people's mouths they feel they have to symbollicy reset to win back interest of long standing fans? I just have a feeling is all. Davies has stated that he finally gets to make the show he always wanted to make in the first place so I have a feeling they're gonna take some pretty bold swings at new ideas.


Oh, OK. So nothing that stood out in the trailer. Just a feeling. Fair enough.

You may prove to be right with bold swings. He's already taken one with bi-generation and semi-retired Doctor Emeritus, although I doubt that'll end up having any substantive impact on the show.

I don't mind the bold swings. To me, the core concept of the show -- alien in a box travelling through time and space to solve problems and fight monsters -- is so strong it can withstand any amount of change to the backstory or the tone or the details. And has. For sixty years now.

I think show-runners should do bold things to keep it fresh, even if I'm going to turn my nose up at some of them... like, well, bi-generation, in fact.


I think it will be more of a soot reboot like series 1.

The show will still have references to the past, hell the trailer shows the 6th/7th doctor companion Mel.

However it's also going to possibly be less about continuity, basically designed as a jumping on point. I saw someone suggest the doctor in the Christmas special going back in time was to show that the TARDIS was a time machine, to establish what it can do for the new Disney audience


After seeing the giggle, the third 60th anniversary special, it's clear to me that Russell T. Davies wrote them as an epilogue to the new Who series he started with Eccelston. Being that he ended his run with Tennant (and to most fans, David is their favorite Doctor), he decided to write an ending to this version of the character. That is why he didn't kill him or have him regenerate. He wanted to tie things up in a neat (but overly sentimental) bow. Now he can sort of reboot the series with a sort of different version of the character than the one that got a "happy" ending. Also he can try completely new ideas but continue to reference old ones. I predict that before Ncuti leaves after his 3rd season (why don't they stay longer?) , that we will see at least one more team up of 14 and 15 and possibly one with 11. Maybe more past companion cameos as well.
