At last....

....a good episode


I assume you are talking about Ascension of the Cybermen.

I thought it was excellent, even if I was disappointed not to see Doctor Ruth make an entrance. It’s set up for a stunner of a season finale though.


I'm not sure where an elderly sex therapist would fit into this show, but if you want to see her, you want to see her. Who am I to argue? Maybe she could advise the Cybermen that masturbation is natural and perfectly okay and they heed her words and try it. Then they become good, because it turns out, they were always mean because they were sexually frustrated.


Who needs Chinballs? Give this man a writing job.


Yeah and they teased Ruth appearing as well, when Ryan said Hey, do you hear that sound? just before the Cyberdrones appear, I swear there was a sound that sounded like the T.A.R.D.I.S. landing (that left the handbrake on sound).


I didn't notice that! I thought Ryan was just talking about the noise of the cyberdrones.

So what are our thoughts on Brendan? He is the lone cyberman, right?


Seems so with Brendan and there is something up with Yasmin as well, something with her hasn't sat right with me, part of which goes back to Praxeus when she was so keen to retrieve the panel on her own.

I am seeing this season as well done and one of the best in a long time, however I may just be seeing things that aren't there, I hope not though. I just get the feeling that there is a complex story woven through all these episodes which will come out in the finale. Basically for one is Yasmin under the Masters spell, for instance in the The Haunting of Villa Diodati episode in this conversation:

Claire: I'm not at fault if Lord Byron selfishly keeps it locked.
Yasmin: What are you after?
CLAIRE: Letters. If he's written about me, I can ascertain his true sentiments.
Yasmin: Or... you could try asking him.
Claire: I have. His answers only increase the enigma.
Yasmin: I know someone like that.
Claire: Mary reproaches me. Insists I should find a more reliable prospect. Not that she can talk.
Yasmin: Perhaps she's right. His eye does seem to wander.
Claire: This enigmatic person of yours, would you trade them for reliable and dull?
Yasmin: My person's a bit different.

I really don't think she was talking about Ryan, so either Yasmin is in love with the Doctor or it is the Master and I'm leaning towards the Master and she is working with/for him. Now I may be completely wrong with my thoughts and some have said I am setting myself up to be let down, however the fact that this season has led me to think more on the stories is a plus in itself. Basically I am well aware that I may be totally incorrect, so no I won't feel let down that it is not totally predictable is what is good about.


All I'm going to say is there is an apparent leak on reddit. I won't post on here because it's a massive one it true but it's a collection of leaks and others have turned out to be true.

I'm really not keen on what the leak is saying. I've enjoyed this series but what the leak means is concerning to me


"I assume you are talking about Ascension of the Cybermen."

Can't have been. They said a good episode.


Wel if you throw enough shit at the wall, eventually something will stick.


Beautiful analogy.

You honestly don't see this season as a huge improvement on not only last season but also most of Capaldi's run? Sometimes I wonder if I'm watching a different show to others, or if those who are bitching are even watching the show at all.


Doctor Who has gone to shit since Capaldi.

Worst thing with Capaldi is how they wasted him. I think he was the perfect actor to play the Doctor... if only he had had good scripts.

The Whittaker seasons are different... there's nothing wasted because there's nothing really valuable. Except the big budget, of course, that was the only thing wasted there.


I disagree.


I feel that this season has improved continuously with each episode.


Yep and I'm looking forward to seeing where it heads as I'm a little perplexed as to why they landed as the Doctor said:

DOCTOR: This planet, this time period - we're in the very far future, immediate aftermath of the CyberWars. Cybermen have hunted down and wiped out the majority of the human race. Sorry. It was never a good time to break that news to you. If it's any consolation, it almost wiped out the Cybermen, too.

There must be a reason why the Doctor didn't choose a time sooner to help the humans.


I think her intention wasn't to mess with the established timeline and stop the Cyber Wars, but to chase the lone Cyberman to wherever he ended up so she could stop him from resurrecting the Cyber army, because it was her fault he was able to get the Cyberium.

Humanity had already been all but destroyed, she was trying to stop the Cybermen from taking over the rest of the universe.


Hmmmm, yeah that ties in with giving over the Cyberium and not wanting Percy Shelley to die and deprive people of his works maybe changing the timeline (the save one life for a billion conundrum). I was just thinking on the side of the Doctor being Earth's defender and that normally the Doctor would come in and help humanity win (thus winning the CyberWar as well).

The Doctor this time around seems to be making harder decisions that aren't all Earthcentric and based on liking humans, guess time will tell if that's a good thing.


and whats up with Brendan? Did he age really fast all his life or just after he was "shot"? Who is he?? Is he the timeless child?


I believe he is
