MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > Wow so called fans wants Doctor Who canc...

Wow so called fans wants Doctor Who cancelled since its Forward Thinking

Look 11 will always be my Doctor but I'm loving Jodies Thirteen you want to go to back to stale writing with a Male doctor and backward thinking Doctor Who was canceled in 1989 the show has been 15 Years give minorities a say thats what Doctor Stands for


Nobody cares what race/gender The Doctor is. People simply want good writing that isn't subverted by the political lean of the writers.


MCU & Star Wars are doing it and theyve been fine


Doing what?


Solo tanked and Rise of Skywalker was somewhat disappointing, after following in the wake of the disastrous Last Jedi. Merchandise and toy sales also have dropped.

MCU wasn't full woke, though it looks to be moving in that direction. We'll see how that goes.


"Star Wars are doing it and theyve been fine"
Not according to the Fandom Menace, the most powerful anti-woke group out there for saving our culture from the PC brigade!


MCU & Star Wars are doing it and theyve been fine
Doing what?


This series is a lot better than last year. I feel orphan 55 however is a prime example of what not to do. Political stuff can work but it needs to be woven into the story not just the doctor ranting to the audience. It's not the message that was the problem but the delivery.

I found Praxeus had an interesting mystery to begin with but it didn't really go anywhere. I felt like the rumoured return of the sea devils could have elevated the episode. They where trying to do a big threat but I didn't feel the scale of it. However the actual message worked because it was woven into the story.

Can you hear me seemed to have a rushed ending but the message of mental health was actually done in a way that if you missed it the episode still works. That to me is how these things should be done. If you don't get the nazi references in genesis of the daleks it still works as a great episode. Because it doesn't outright say it someone might watch and relate to it with current events somewhere.

As I said there's a lot of improvements but I do feel episodes are often missing something. But most people just throw the word woke out and to me they lose any credibility.


Political stuff can work but it needs to be woven into the story not just the doctor ranting to the audience.

That can work only for wokes.

Imagine for a moment that the showrunner was Christian instead of woke. And the Doctor was traveling through time and space bringing the word of Jesus, showing how Christians were better than other people, with episodes like 'Blessed 55', 'Fugitive of the Atheists', 'Can you pray with me?' or 'The spiritual ascension of the Cybermen'. If some character said 'I didn't know the Doctor was a Christian activist' he would answer 'I had an upgrade'.

Would you like to watch such a series? Would you like to watch it if the Christian message was woven into the story? I know I wouldn't.

And it's the same for non-wokes with the current one.


Your comparison doesn't work.

If the show was extremely religious then yes it would put off non religious people.

However take the message of pollution from orphan 55. It was handled very badly yes but no one can deny it is a problem. It's not like religion where you believe it or not you cannot deny pollution in the same way you can deny religion.

Political stuff has been in the show for years. Barry Letts for example was a Buddhist and his beliefs can be seen in a lot of Pertwee's stuff such as the ecological message in green death.

I do feel these stuff where better written, and more natural. But it does show it can work and it's also nothing new for doctor who.


However take the message of pollution from orphan 55. It was handled very badly yes but no one can deny it is a problem.

That actually supports my point. Religious movies use to focus in a limited set of problems or behaviors that have an special religious significance.

For some reason, Climate Change has become a woke crusade. You only have to check the page of that modern woke child-Saint called Greta Thurnberg. And what was Orphan 55 about? Pollution and climate change.

Political stuff has been in the show for years.

There's no show or movie completely free of this. What the writer/director/actors thinks is gonna leak someway. It was obvious Doctor Who was written by British liberals, the same way Roddenberry's Star Trek was written by US liberals. The same it's obvious that the Ender saga was written by a Christian conservative. And however, you can read/watch them and enjoy it even if you don't agree with the political/religious points of view of the people who wrote it.

The question is... what's the problem with wokeness? Why does it need to make the shows and movies so preachy?.

Honestly, I don't know.

Maybe, since the main element (not the only one, but the main one) of Wokeness seems to be blaming whites for everything under the sun and defining them as the source of evil, it's just difficult to make a woke show that doesn't feel preachy.


The thing is I've not seen an anti white agenda and my point still stands.

Orphan 55 could have been a great episode with an important message but instead it was a bad episode with a preachy message. I suppose the problem is the message probably came first. One of my favourite films is the original dawn of the dead and that has a lot about consumerism but at its heart it works because it is still a zombie film.

To me orphan 55 should have showed outside as not just empty but have evidence of life once living their, ruins etc. Maybe even more than just the dreggs. Wildlife that is maybe a few things merged and in pain so the group feel bad. Building a picture of something horrible happening so that when the reveal of it being earth hits it has a lot more emotional weight.

I also really liked the idea of the people at the place knowing it was fake but it's never properly explored. The idea they put up fake surroundings and pretend everything is okay.


"It's not like religion where you believe it or not you cannot deny pollution in the same way you can deny religion."

It's easy and factual to deny pollution: Pollution is not a problem today, but it was 70 years ago when we burned coal everywhere!

CO2 is NOT pollution. Shows how fucking stupid Greenies are!

What was the episode even about? Post nuke apocalypse. How can oxygen disappear? What the hell does that have to do with pollution or climate change?

The mutants are straight out of cold-war paranoia B horror movies. Most of them where more intelligent than Orphan 55!


I'm afraid I slightly disagree: pollution is a problem. It's just not one of the most important or urgent problems right now. If it was, people would be worried about it no matter which country caused it. However, most of pollution happens in Asia... but you don't see Saint Greta preaching the gospel there.

At the end of the day, it's just another excuse to blame white men. That doesn't mean that the problems doesn't exist, but nobody really cares about it right now, it has become a tool (another tool) to blame whites.


Look 11 will always be my Doctor but I'm loving Jodies Thirteen you want to go to back to stale writing with a Male doctor and backward thinking Doctor Who was canceled in 1989 the show has been 15 Years give minorities a say thats what Doctor Stands for

Some people on this site really need to learn to use punctuation!
