FordFairlane support group
Dear Doctor Who fans / haters,
I am very worried about one of our members; FordFairlane. In the past few days I've seen him go from such a sweet boy to a rage filled animal. It went from accusing of being naive and "poor snowflakes" to full blown fucking muppet, fuck off, losers, cunt, you have no clue what the fuck you're talking about etc. This only in a two day time-span.
I'm worried, my fellow Whovians. The announcement that the main character of a fictional television show is going to be a lady doctor, must have hurt him on such an incredibly deep level, to resort to such arguments. Granted, he was not the only one, but the most fierce and angry one he was indeed. And I fear a snowball effect if we don't try stop it. By the end of the week he'll wish us horrible diseases. By next week he'll send bags filled with poop to our homes, and if we're not quick, he may transform into... a Dalek! The hate is already very much present in FordFairlane.
I for one am not pleased with poop bags, as I presume you, my dear companions, are neither. It is time to form a group of support. We can call it Love Inducing 'N' Deradicalisation Agency, or LINDA, if we like. Named after the organisation trying to learn more about the Doctor, in Love & Monsters. I will start with the support.
Dear FordFairlane. Don't worry, we all love you and we respect you. Doctor Who is a fictional television programme not worth raising your blood pressure for. The Doctor, also fictional, will be a woman for at least one series. That sounds like a lot, but it is only twelve series and a Christmas special - or thirteen hours in total over the entire year (8766 hours). I understand your fear, swearing, accusing and anger. We are talking bullshit, blind and fucking cunts, you are correct and please don't get angry again! But maybe for the time being you can watch reruns of previous Doctors during the new series? Only because we care for you and don't want your heart to explode over the Doctor being a woman (either heart). She will go, I promise. Sooner or later. That's how it went for five decades, that's how it will continue.
Maybe other people also have words of support to help you through these horribly tough times.
With all the love,