MovieChat Forums > Toy Story 3 (2010) Discussion > Am i a heartless monster

Am i a heartless monster

I didnt cry at the ending of toy story 3 at all


No, because in a world filled with all sorts of repulsive acts and evils, crying over a first world problem is immature comparatively.




No, because in a world filled with all sorts of repulsive acts and evils, crying over a first world problem is immature comparatively.

I did not cry when I read that post. Am I a heartless monster?

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


Well if it makes you feel better, I have seen the movie too before and I haven't cried either so I can say you are in good company.


To be honest, I'm not sure I cried during this one or not. You know, I probably did, since crying during emotional animated films is nothing new to me. 

As for you being a heartless monster, I don't know, I've never met you. 

"Unless you're an alien, time traveler, or esper, your opinion doesn't matter. "


I cried all through it.
I keep watching these films hoping one would be interesting but toy story is so boring and frustrating to watch.
All clichéd charterers, jokes and situations that does nothing original all whilst pandering to the pc brigade. Barbie being the perfect example of this.

Sadly I'll probably watch part 4 but that'll be as 'safe' as the first 3.

How the shorts are so entertaining is beyond me.
Maybe that's why the films are so bad. Not enough ideas and the films run on for far too long


Not heartless just hard to crack.

Solving Plot Holes 101: Learn to use your Critical Thinking skills.


Yes you are heartless, you should of cried at the end


I also didn't cry, I actually smiled because I thought it was wonderful that these toys who hadn't been played with for years who were then mistreated at the nursery finally had a loving home again where they'd get played with daily.

real human being and a real hero


LOL. I never made it that far in the movie.

Loved the first one, though!


I held it in, but I felt the tears coming out. I was breathing heavily and I rubbed my eyes.

"Guys, we filmed the wrong book."-Peter Jackson on Bored of the Rings


I could not get over how creepy it was, dude her mom was right there
