
I'm a grown man of 30 and the ending made me cry!

Anyone else share a similar experience?


I just saw TS3 on DVD. I totally cried. I had read about people crying at the end but some of my friends said that they didn't cry.


When Andy looked out the car window at Woody in Bonnie's arms, that was it for me.

- The General has spoken.


Yes. I'm 18, and I found the ending very poignant and affecting.

"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeline Kahn(CLUE, 1985)





I gotta admit I felt teary-eyed myself. Very good 3rd installment.


I think the ending was the ONLY way that the series could have ended. It was perfect in my eyes.

When I first heard about the movie being made, I kinda rolled my eyes and said, "wow pixar... milkin in bad huh!" But then I started hearing it was really, really good. SO I saw it.

And as the movie went on I started to see that the time IN BETWEEN the films worked out with the audience. That is a seriously RARE thing in film. I don't recall a movie that had that same, real life effect.

And I think becuase of that, me (and many many others) felt in many ways that they were in some way, seeing the end of their childhood. The step from boyhood to manhood. And a major part of that is ingraved in the toys you grow up with. Their like your only friends.

Movie made me do so much thinking about letting things go, and becoming an adult and excepting that as a reality. It was a very REAL and ORGANIC feeling I hadn't fully stepped into.

Look forward to when my kids watch the movie when their my age and say, "Now I know!"

"Happy birthday Jesus, sorry your party is so lame..." - The Office


Cried during the burning scene. Just thought of how much those toys have gone through only to have it end like that? Plus the fact that at that moment they all decided to accept their fate with quiet dignity... Yeah... could NOT hold it together at all for that one. Felt like I was going to have a heart attack cuz I thought, PIXAR you better not even think about it!!
Cried when Woody says so long partner for the last time to Andy.
It really was a perfect end to the Toy Story series.
Also touching was the story of Lotso. Just had me thinking about how an experience of rejection from a loved one, even if it's a misunderstanding, can make someone really angry and bitter. Even toward the very end (although I was FURIOUS with him) I just thought, WOW! you are really twisted up inside. Proof positive that when someone loses hope/faith they lose their soul.


Just got done watching it...I'm still crying. This movie really hit home with me. My family is in the process of trying to clean out my mother's house since she was sent to a nursing home. Everytime I have to go back and decide what to do with all my stuff I just start crying. I still have most of my childhood toys and stuff there. Its just real hard to get rid of stuff that has sentimental value and holds memories of days gone by.


