Worst army guys ever.
The movie was fairly entertaining.
However, what's with the army guys deliberately putting themselves in so much danger? Like at the beginning, when the very first army guy gets bitten.. instead of shooting the zombie, he fights it in hand to hand combat for a few minutes and no one offers to help. This of course leads to him being chomped on while fighting.
Did no one brief these guys? "Oh yeah guys, by the way.. if you get bit, you die." I would think someone would have mentioned that.
Not to mention that any time a zombie was more than 2 feet away, it took at least 3 shots to take them down. The first two would knock it down, then they'd walk up to it and finish it off in the head. What a waste of ammo.
Don't get me wrong.. I'm no sharpshooter and I don't think I could have done any better. But you would think that if these orders came directly from the President himself, they would use someone a little more competent than the local junior ragtag squad.