MovieChat Forums > The Giver (2014) Discussion > Jeff Bridges Question?

Jeff Bridges Question?

About the movie: I haven't read the book. I didn't think Katie Holmes was all that bad. Her character was supposed to be unemotional and joyless - so she was pretty good.

I really loved the movie and I haven't felt like that for quite sometime.

What I have wondered about and it's about Jeff Bridges. In the movie he spoke like he had snuff between his teeth and his gums. I would have thought it was for his character but he was talking like that on a couple of late night shows.

Has he become a cowboy sidekick like Gabby Hayes?


He has always sounded and spoke like that. It's just more pronounced since he has gotten older. If you look at his brother Beau Bridges you will see he sounds and talks the same. It's a Bridges thing.


I think it's age. He didn't sound like that in the mirror has two faces. His voice was very clear, and also high pitched. I think this is just a peculiarity of the aging process. I'm not bothered by it. I think it makes him interesting.

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This might explain it

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~
