MovieChat Forums > Daybreakers (2010) Discussion > So, what exactly was achieved? (Spoiler...

So, what exactly was achieved? (Spoilers aplenty)

So, we know there's a cure. Edward and 'Elvis' are cured vampires. The blood substitute was successfully synthesized.

From what I gathered watching this, was that each time they cured a vampire, their companions descended on them in an orgy of death and blood, and then you generally end up with one living cured vampire. Which, in each scene in the movie, that cured vampire gets killed through conventional means.

So, basically, all the cured vampires besides Edward and Elvis are dead, and there's a working blood substitute.

Essentially, they succeeded in riding off into the sunset, having achieved absolutely nothing, other than Edward foolishly giving up immortality, and sooner or later, he's going to get killed along with Elvis, the only other cured vampire.

There's no real way for them to spread their cure, seeing as there's only two of them, and with a substitute, there's not going to be a frantic attack on them, and they wouldn't want to spread their cure via their own deaths anyway.

I can't really figure out what, if anything, they managed to really DO. Chances are, someone will report at what's found out, or perhaps Chris did in the interim between talking to Edward and later being killed (or even the whole thing was caught on security camera), Edward and Elvis will be marked as "shoot on sight, do not feed on" fugitives, and they'll likely be shot at some point in the near future, and vampire society will proceed as normal.


I also was unsatisfied by the ending. I like to think that, before they rode into the sunset, they freed the humans and innoculated them, contaminated both the existing blood supply and the blood substitute with cure blood (it wouldn't take much), and allowed it to be shipped out as planned. Bam, the world is cured. It's inevitable that the cure would spread as fast as the original infection did, with so many vampires close to starving. Once it's out, there's no way to contain it. In the end there might be pockets of vampires left but unable to go out and feed on the innoculated majority, they would have to closely guard their private captive blood supplies, or rely wholly on blood substitute.


Besides, even if they somehow convinced mankind to cure itself what would they eat then?

I'm pretty sure cattle and other farm animals are pretty rare by now since Ethan Hawke's bro comments about "the pig *beep* you drink is hard to find".

And who's been cultivating crops all these years if they were useless after most of the world was vampirized(except for coffee plantations)?
You're looking at a massive global food shortage issue.

Unless it's gonna be a very very gradual process.
But then you gotta protect the cured humans during this time, which is hard to do.


ยป Thu Jul 25 2013 00:55:11
IMDb member since July 2006

Besides, even if they somehow convinced mankind to cure itself what would they eat then?

I'm pretty sure cattle and other farm animals are pretty rare by now since Ethan Hawke's bro comments about "the pig *beep* you drink is hard to find".

And who's been cultivating crops all these years if they were useless after most of the world was vampirized(except for coffee plantations)?
You're looking at a massive global food shortage issue.

The vamps. They drink coffee...why wouldn't the vamps in Britain drink bloody tea? (No pun intended). Why not beer? Lager? See where I'm going? Therefore wheat, barley, coffee and whatever else they may still find useful are still being grown. In fact, they will likely be MORE production of those two foods, as the reduced demand will allow greater percentages of previously overworked fields to lie fallow, for longer, than could ever have been achieved by us.

You seem to forget, Vampires are vampirised HUMANS. So whatever knowledge we had, they too will have, and as they do not suffer from fear they will likely do be more productive, at least per hour of the working day, or rather night, than we were.


Please note, I do not want comments from the unemployed, housewives, students, or (ex) military.


Where did you get they don't suffer from fear?

Also, can you imagine how difficult it would be to even get enough wheat/rice/etc seeds to get a basic global agricultural activity going again?

As I said, it would take years if not decades.
